A Fun Day ~Part 2~

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Crawling to the window where he had made it to the roof, Adam jumped into the attic.

He just noticed a couple of boxes on the ground labeled: Pictures. Getting on his knees, Adam opened the box, and it was full of...you guessed it! Pictures!

"Wait, these were pictures when we were kids. How did Dr. Astros get this?!"  Adam exclaimed as he grabbed two boxes.

"They're pictures of all of us. When we were born. When we were kids. When we were young teenagers. And now." Adam muttered, as he peeked from behind the boxes. "Boo!" A familiar voice screamed.

"Gah!" Adam yelped, as he nearly dropped the boxes. "Haha! I got you!" Lucy poked her head from  behind the boxes. "Lucy! Why'd you scare me?! I have important things in here." The Aries explained, "Like what?" Lucy asked. "Dr. Astros has pictures of US! When we were younger, when we were young teenagers, and now." Adam explained, as he stared at her.

"OH MY GOSH! A.J AND LOLA COME HERE THIS INSTANT!" A shriek split the air. Already knowing who screamed, Adam called: "Savannah? Why are you screaming?" The other signs were objecting too, at Savannah's scream. "What Savannah?" Adam heard his sister yell, "Yeah, Savannah. Why are you screaming?" Adam heard Lola yell back at her friend.

"FALL OUT BOY! MANIA TOUR! CONCERT! COME HERE!" Multiple screams came from the other girls, as Adam heard footsteps running toward  A.J's, Savanah's, and Lola's room. Lucy had an amusing glimmer in her eyes, as she glanced back at Adam. "It's 75 dollars for ONE ticket!" A.J screamed; Adam heard the other girls groan in frustration, and started to mutter. "Heck! We'll make it work!"

Rolling her eyes, Lucy started to make her way upstairs, "I'll check on them; I bet they're breaking something," Another scream came from upstairs, "Please! Come on, Skylar! Come with us! Yeah, and you too, Victor! It's gonna be fun; we can meet Patrick, Joe, Andy, and Pete," Lucy rolled her eyes, amusement glittering in her light green eyes, "Let's talk later, bye!" She waved at Adam and made her way up stairs. Leaving Adam staring after her.


"Okay, we will go to their concert. But we will have to go on a mini bus!" A.J remarked excitedly. The other girls nodded in agreement, while the boys shook their heads. "Guys, how will we get a mini bus? We don't have money!" Gary pointed out. "I know a guy!" Peyton squeaked, kneeling on her knees. "Okay. We've got the mini bus down. All we need is the ticket money." Savannah chirped.


A phone was ringing lightly, "I'll get it!" Savannah volunteered, as she stood up on the bed and made her way off the bed. She casually rolled down the bed, and landed. Jumping to her feet, she made her way downstairs, without making a sound. "Hello?" Everyone could hear Savannah's voice.

"Oh my gosh! I completely forgot! I'll tell them!" Everyone exchanged glances. "This is....THANKSGIVING!" Savannah's voice echoed in the room, "Oh its Thanksgiving? I completely forgot." Leonard said sheepishly, rubbing his head. Lola glared at him, and swiftly hit him on the head. "Oww! Why'd you do that?!"

"We'll need food!" Tommy said, standing up. "Pumpkin pie!" Lucy exclaimed, "Whip cream!" Adam exclaimed. "Everything!"


                                              ✧ At le grocery store ✧

"Instead of that cranberry stuff, can we get cookies?" Savannah asked, bouncing  up and down. "No, we need potatoes." Adam reminded her.

"Can we get cookie flavored potatoes then?" Savannah asked, standing on the cart. "You're gonna fall!" Lola shouted, grabbing the Sagittarius's arm. "No!"

"Ugh, can we get pumpkin pie?" A.J chimed in. "Yes." Adam replied, annoyed he was stuck with the girls. "I'll go get it!" A.J said, already walking toward the pastries isle. "Me too!" Lola and Savannah said at the same time, scrambling after the Aries.


                                         ✧ In le frozen treats isle ☆

"Ma'am, can I interest you in some frozen smoothies?" Lola asked a woman holding a child. "Uh...no thank you!" She smiled forcefully, giving Lola an awkward glare. She grabbed her cart and gently placed her child in the cart, and began to walk quickly away. "Man, I want to be that guy in that comercial, that comes out of the freezer and gives someone a smoothie." Lola groaned. "That sounds awesome, so we should do that!" A.J nodded vigorously.

                                            ☆ What will happen next? ☆


Hello! It's been quite some time! And I'm sorry. School has been getting a hold of me, so yeah. Thank you for waiting!  Also, my birthday is Monday; I just wanted you guys to know, because a certain chapter will come out. Maybe it'll be a birthday chapter for two certain wild people from the zodiacs 👀👀 I want you to guess who they are uwu


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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