Chapter 1

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Camille's P.O.V ( Cancer)

How much more?! I thought as I looked out the window. There was this boy right next to me, but I didn't say anything. I glanced at him one more time. He whipped his head around. "So....What's your name?" The boy pulled his phone out of his pocket. I hesitated, "Camille, my name is Camille."  The boy nodded. "My name is Conor." I then relized that me and him looked alike. "So, how old are you?" Conor looked down at his phone, "I'm 17 years old." I got my phone out of m backpack. "That's cool. So am I!" Conor was interested, "Hmm, what month were you born in?" I asked, I was interested. "July." Conors brown eyes were sparkling. "Me too!" I exclaimed. "What day?" He asked. "July 18." I asked prepared to be amazed, "Are we twins or something? We are the same age!" Conor brown eyes were shining.

Lola's P.O.V (Leo)

I glanced out of the window. I saw a black van pull in the driveway. Tenth van. Hmm I think that's the Sagittarius pair. I thought as a saw a boy get out of the car. He zoomed into the house looking at me. "Who the hell are you?" He demanded. "Hey, hey. Let's relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm Lola the Leo." The boy nodded. He had brown hair and green eyes. "I'm Skylar the Sagittarius." There was a loud thump at the door. Skylar and I looked at the door; puzzled. I opened the door and looked around. "Down here." I heard a girls voice. I looked down and saw a girl laying down. "How?" I laughed. "Well I was running to the door. I was planning to open it, but I ran into it and this happened." She got up. "I'm Savanah the Sagittarius. Nice to meet you." She chirped. We both got in the house.

"I'm the most adventurous zodiac!" She waved her hand around like a princess. "Yes, O great one." I bowed down. Everyone laughed. "I've tripped over a trashcan once." I said. "I haven't, but I've fell down stairs once." Savanah nodded. "Did it hurt?" Skylar asked, "Yeah, I nearly broke a bone." She informed us. "Hello all! A.J is in the house." A girl with white hair fading to aqua, burst in the house, followed by the other zodiacs. "Why am I even here?" "I'm bored." "What is this place?" I heard from the other teens. This is gonna be fun!

Adams P.O.V ( Aries)

All of us sat down and stared at each other. Why are we here? My attention was caught by a girl with white hair fading to aqua. She looked exactly like me! Are we twins or something?  I stared at her suspiciously. A door slamed, I turned my head around and a woman with brown hair tied in a bun, with a blue outfit. She walked up to the front and stared at us. "Hello, children." She said. A hand shot up, it was a boy with black hair and red highlights. "What the hell are we doing here?" A girl with black hair and red highlights, said  "Yeah, what the hell are we doing here?" The woman started at them. "Language, Scorpios." She said sternly. "Whatever." I heard a mutter, from the girl, "Anyway, you are gathered here today, because you are chosen for an experiment. You are the children of the zodiacs."

Everyone was confused, "You guys know the zodiacs. Right? Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces, and Capricorn. " Everyone nodded. "Well, you are the children! You have a tattoo somewhere on your body." A girl with brown hair and green eyes yelled, "WHY ARE WE HERE?! CAN SOMEONE TAKE ME TO THE CARNIVAL?!?!!!"

"Savanah! Don't yell!" The woman yelled. "Sorry!!!!!!" Savanah nodded. "Each of you have rooms based on your element." Savanah yelled again, "OOH! I KNOW MY ELEMENT! I'M A FIRE ELEMENTAL! SO IS ARIES AND LEO!!!"

Skylar yelled, "SHUT UP!" Savanah glared at him, "NO YOU SHUT UP!!" The two siblings continued to argue. "That is brother and sister for you." The woman smiled. "WAIT WE ARE SIBLINGS?!?" Savanah's jaw dropped. "Yes, you are the Sagittarius siblings." The woman said, "My name is Dr. Astros."


                                                            Authors note

Hey guys, I'm finished. MKAY BAII

-Fangirloddball OUT!!!!!

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