"W-why not? You're being stupid you know actually what I mean." Zoro growled. Was this his was of implying he knew I liked him and he was interested in me as more than just friends too? And that he was secretly comfortable in his sexually that's why he wasn't interested in women, but thought I'd reject him.

Zoro wants to me to take the first step to show that I'm genuinely interested in a real relationship, and not a quick fling or a pity 'save the friendship yes'? "Actually, no, I don't so either leave now and stop wasting my time, or spit it out."

His thin eyebrows twitched as he glanced toward the ground. We stood there in a thick silence. Our eyes meeting but not with the same intensity as usual. Maybe I was being harsh. Maybe I was going regret no taking my shot. Maybe I was just small minded.

Zoro huffed before glaring at me with pity as well as anger before walking past me, not even bothering to roughly slam into my shoulder like we usually do to each other. "Wait, Zoro, wait."

"Yeah?" Zoro stoped and turned. His face was skeptical and annoyed, one I hadn't ever been on the receiving side of. Now that I was, it was definitely something that made the skin crawl. The look was alien, foreign, since nothing I did ever got under Zoro's skin.

Awkwardly, I shoved my hands into my pants pocket, rembering the way I rocked uncomfortably on my heels when my second grade teacher scolded me for giving flowers to my best friend on Valentines Day. Saying, 'boys don't give boys flowers like that. It only leads to sin.' That was my last year at catholic school.

"Do you want to go to the wedding together like as friends or something, I don't know."

Zoro chuckled dryly before running a nervous hand through his gel-ed green locks. Time ticked as Zoro thought over my offer sending sweat down the back of my neck and the palms of my hands. I figured it would be an immediate yes, so what did I do wrong? "No."


"I said no."

"You literally just got done persuading me to ask you, and then you say no?" I was utterly embarrassed and for no good reason. My face was fuming and I could tell that in seconds I would be beet red. "You're such a joke!"

"No, sanji you're a joke!" Zoro shouted. Making me a take a step back, for one, Zoro never raised his voice like this. The man was definitely easily aggravated, but never fuming like this. Two, he called me by my real name. The last time he did this was when I woke up after my open heart surgery almost 10 years ago. "Why the hell would I go anywhere with you as just friends?"

"Because we are just friends?! You make everything so complicated! God damn it, I'm going back to work..."

"Oh yeah, just friends like that time we kissed for way longer than nessary during spin the bottle at Nami's house, junior year? How about the time you moaned when I gave you a massage after track practice?"

"Those were both one mistakes out of how many times they happened? What are you trying to imply?" My embarrassment turning into a defensive confusion. If Zoro thought I would even consider understanding his point of view he was wrong.

Zoro pov

                  Sanji couldn't hide from the truth. He might not be gay, but he wasn't straight. I always had my suspicions, yet the cook was so girl-crazy I brushed them off.

                   However, when Nami and I got together for drinks Saturday night, she let something slip. Something that I was able to use to link all the pieces of the puzzle.

The drunken girl had mentioned something along the lines of how 'If you were this nice to people. Then maybe they'd tell you they thought you were cute. Instead, of ranting to me.' "How about the time we almost did it at that football party, but you were wasted out of your mind so I toke you home?!"

"I-I don't remember that."

"Of course not." I sighed remembering the heat of Sanji's body under mine as his lips melts my against mine as those long pale fingers gripped the roots of my hair. I also remeber taking a deep breathe of his cheap cologne before pulling away, and scooping him into my car.

"Zoro I~"

"But you remember when your mother passed, and I stayed with you on that bench." There was no need to mention how it was drizzling while Sanji cried for hours onto my shoulder under our umbrella, or how I rubbed small circles on his back because that's what she did for him.

                        "I remember what happened after, you made a promise not to mention it to anyone." Sanji looked around before checking his watch, 6:13. He was late for the shift. Zeff was going to be on his ass soon, but we had thing to discuss and Sanji knew that. "This is a lot, Zoro."

                         "Goodbye." I was done wasting my time on this false hope. Sanji was going to realize his mistakes the hard way, and I wasn't going to bend of backwards for him. At this point,the blonde was only lying to himself.

                         "Wait. Wait, Zoro!" Sanji pleaded as I continued to walk out the alley and towards my car. Waiting was no longer an option. I was tired of waiting on Sanji to open up to me to stop brushing off our 'more than friendly' moments as mistakes. That meant that being with me would be a mistake.

                        It was time to get back to the station anyway.

                         "Zoro," Sanji's voice was closer now, and my eyes widened as a heavy hand landed on my shoulder turning me around.

                          My body stiffened as I felt a soft pair of lips against my own as blonde hair tickled my eyelashes. Slowly, I relaxed and enjoyed the smoky after-taste of expensive cigarettes on Sanji's pink plump lips.

                           All to soon, the chilly evening air bite my cold face once again, as Sanji awkwardly adjusted my jacket on my shoulders before speaking up. "I did like that, more than I thought I would, so, um, do you want to catch a movie as more than just-friends."

                         "I'm free tommrow night." I chuckled softly as Sanji placed his half-smoked cigarette gently to his lips, and ran a slow hand through his blonde locks, revealing both his eyes for a split second.

                          A soft smiled grew on Sanji's pale face as he glanced back up at me. "I'll pick you up at 8."



Coups Virils         Manly Moves



AN~ soooo idk when the next chapter will be up but it will be wedding stuff

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