"My sonar ability, it was just meant for bionic people-" I start curiously.

"I almost forgot that you don't realize how much untapped potential lies inside of you, Child. But don't fret. You'll learn." Philip replied, moving his hand across my cheek gently and cupped the side of my face. A new surge of energy washed over me as I continue to look at him. "There. Now, you know how to access that power."

"Thank you, Uncle. I won't fail you." I assured, my bionic eye lit up then while I activated my sonar ability and now could see every superhero and bionic hero. I grin a little. "I see them- I see them all." Then I send every single one of them my uncle's message.

*Third Person's POV- At Mission Command*

"Okay, every superhero has finally been warned and are now on the lookout for Des." Bree spoke up while her, Chase, Oliver, Justin, and Kaz entered mission command after stepping out of the hyperlift. "That seemed like it took forever."

The three of them moved over to Donald and Douglas who was typing on the cyberdesk. "So, how's it going with fixing this whole mess down here?" Oliver asked the two grown men.

"It's coming along. Communications are back up, so that's good." Donald started, not looking up from what he was configuring on the cyberdesk.

Skylar and Reese entered mission command and moved over to the group. "Yeah, my family's not gonna listen to me. If they know anything about Des, they're not saying. It was a waste of a trip." Reese spoke up, a little disappointed.

"No, it wasn't. At least, you tried. We tried." Skylar reassured the girl beside her as the two of them stopped beside the rest of the group.

"Yeah, and we will-" Kaz started just as a look of pain crossed the seven teenagers' faces and all fell down to their knees, each of them covering their ears with their hands and squeezed their eyes shut tightly. Painful drumming and ringing sounded in their heads.

"Guys, what's wrong?" Donald asked the team as Douglas also asked, "What's going on?" Donald knelt beside Chase and Bree, his hands on their shoulders while Douglas watched the teens in concern.

"It's- It's Des..." Oliver started with a grunt, slowly moving his hand and now held Skylar's. 

Kaz also grunted out, "She's- She's sending a- a message..."

If any of you heroes tries to stop us, we will not hesitate and destroy all of you, slowly and painfully. Destiny's voice spoke through the team's minds and every superhero's mind while inflicting excruciating agony on all of them. 

"From Hive..." Justin finished.

The seven teens' ears and noses started to bleed just as the message ended and the pain was over with now. "Des has never been able to do that kind of power before-" Bree started breathlessly as Chase added after sitting up again, "It's like what Hive did to her... It amplifies her abilities, making her unstoppable."

"And Des was already pretty powerful before. Her powers being amplified? That's a scary thought. She can wipe out an entire city if she wanted to now." Oliver began as Skylar finished, "Or an entire world. Remember? That's what that prophecy had said."

"We have to get to Des and bring her back home, find a way to break this connection Hive has over her." Justin commented. 

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