Chapter 27

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Cera woke up with a headache from crying the night before. She blushed, embarrassed she cries over something so stupid- so trivial! She had cried more the year her and Alec were friends than she did in her life time. She's cried a total of six times in her life (not including as a baby cause babies cry at everything) When her brother died, when her grandparents died, and all the shit that happened since she befriended Alec. It's quite ironic though. Since Alec didn't cause- well, okay, he ASSISTED in one case but otherwise wasn't the reason she cried.

Slightly blinded by the natural sun light that came through the window, Cera started opening her eyes to see Alec still dead asleep. His arm was still gripping her and pulled her close to his chest. Cera breathed softly, staring at his face that she suddenly found fascinating. His face was relaxed but his features were sharp. Cera mentally noted how much he's matured in every sense. He was far from the boy she crushed on in fifth grade. He was grown. Cera grinned at his sleeping face. She felt lucky. After everything they went through, he turned out to be on her side and loved her as a friend. That's when Cera noticed that she was trapped under his arm. There was no way she would be able to get out of his grasp without waking him up. Which is why she had to start to wait for him to wake up on his own. Cera was kinda nervous on how Alec would react to Cera being in his bed. She expected the worst from it.


Alec kept his eyes closed, but woke up with a pounding headache. He felt sick. Hangover, he thought, regretfully. Through the blinding natural light, Alec opened his eyes to see Cera staring right back him. She was laying with him on his bed. Initially, he moved away from her to hit his back on the wall with a yelp. After realizing it WAS, in fact, Cera who was in his bed, he relaxed to a degree- only slightly. He let out a relieved breath.
"Cera... you scared me." He said, slowly relaxing.
"Sorry." She laughed. Alec groaned in pain. "Hangover?" Cera asked, concerned. He nodded.
"Yeah. It's pretty bad."
"Well, Gabe got some stuff to help with that. When you're ready, we can go out and get you something to eat." She smiled. Alec looked at their surroundings and eventually noticed the grip he had around Ceras waist.
"How did that happen?" He asked, looking confused. Cera glanced at her waist and blushed.
"Oh... y-you don't remember?" She asked, not wanting to explain. She looked up at him with a focused expression. It was then he realized she was resting her head on his arm and their faces were close. Cera felt him shift uncomfortably and make distance between their bodies without taking his arms off her.
"No." He said. "Honestly, I don't remember much." He looked in her eyes and laughed. Cera looked back in his eyes and they paused. Alec pressed his lips together and swallowed, making his breathes shallow. Cera matched his shallow breathes.
"You... you've got a lot to catch up on." Cera let out a breath. Alec smirked for a second but they quickly went back to staring at each other. Cera felt her heart thump suddenly. No, she thought. Never again. I learned my lesson. "Gabe's probably waiting for us." She softly pushed Alecs arm off her waist and got up. Cera sighed as she left his room, leaving him by himself. Alec groaned and laid back in his bed. Lazily, he got up and decided to drag himself out to the living room.


Gabe woke up with a tiny headache. I guess I was more buzzed than I thought, He thought. Slowly, he got off the living room couch and went to the kitchen. Alec and Cera should be waking up soon... I'll make breakfast Gabe smiled at his thoughts. And to think I gave up hope last night...

(The night before)

Gabe had been waiting in the kitchen for about thirty minutes. He wondered what was taking her so long in Alecs room. With a sigh, he stumbled to Alecs room and opened his door to look inside and see Cera in his bed with him.

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