Chapter Two

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Cera sat next to Kiley, her best friend since sixth grade.
"Hey hon. What's up?" Kiley smiled.
"You will not believe the morning I had." Cera explained the situation from start to finish. Slowly, Kiley went from smiling to frowning.
"So, you're going to the dance together?"
"Apparently." Cera groaned. Kiley looked angry. "You okay? You look more upset about this than me."
"Well, it's messed up." Kiley defends. Kiley spent the remainder of lunch sulking. Cera couldn't figure out why.


Cera went home right after school. She did her homework, cleaned her room, showered, and got ready for bed. Before turning out the lights, she got a phone call from Kiley, crying her eyes out.
"Kiley? What's wrong?"
"I'm so sorry!" She cried. "You told me and I didn't listen! I'm so sorry."
"Kiley, what's wrong?" Cera sat down on her bed. After a few moments of calming down, Kiley explained.
"I... I've been dating Alec behind your back..." She said, making Cera's blood boil.
"You what?"
"It just happened! I didn't mean for it to... I just... I don't know, I was being stupid. But, it doesn't matter now. I broke up with him."
"Why now? Did he hurt you?" Cera's concern for her friend overshadowed her anger.
"Not really me but he keeps hurting you!"
"That didn't bother you before, apparently!" Cera snapped. There was quiet for a moment on the phone.
"I know... I'm sorry..."
"Whatever. What's his number." Cera asked.
"I asked for his number. If he thinks he can get away with getting another reason to hate me, he's sadly mistaken." Kiley gave her the number and she called.
"Hello?" He answered, unknowingly.
"Hey, assface. What did you do to my best friend?"
"Cera?" He said as if he didn't believe it was her. "How did you get my number?"
"Kiley!" Cera shouted through the phone.
"She told me you two dated after calling me- crying her eyes out! What the hell?!"
"It's actually your fault."
"Of course it is. What did I do this time?"
"Apparently, you told her about the dance situation before I got a chance and she was a little upset I had to go to the stupid dance with you. I tried to explain that it was her annoying best friends fault and she broke up with me for talking about you like that." He explained.
"So she got tired of your bull, finally."
"Shut up, cripple. I lost that girl because of you." He snapped, making Cera pause.
"Wait, you really cared about her?"
"If it means so much to you to know, yes." Alec said. Cera snapped. I'll be damned before I give him the right to hate me. She thought.
"If you hurt her again, I'll cut you." Cera said and hung up before he could ask what she ment. With a sigh, she called Kiley. "Take him back."
"What?" Kiley asked.
"I know you two like each other and I refuse to get in your way. Besides, I can't give him a reason to hate me. I'm done. For now on, I'm going to be the nicest girl he's ever met! You know what, you're even going to go to the dance together."
"But what about you-"
"We'll go in together and dance when the Principal is around but other than that, he's all yours."
"Are you sure?"
"More than sure."
"Okay!" Kiley smiled to herself, greatful. They hung up. A few minutes later, Cera got another call.
"Hello?" She answered tiredly, wanting to sleep.
"Why?" Alec asked.
"Why did you do that for me?" Alec was shocked to say the least.
"You're welcome."
"I'm serious. Why?"
"Because I'm done giving you reason to hate me. I'm done getting in trouble, I'm done arguing with you- I'm just done!"
"So, what? Is this a truce?"
"Of sorts. I think you can say that."
"Alright. For now on, I'll stop tormenting you- and sending others to torment you as long as you Stay out of my way." He offered.
"Deal." She agreed and they hung up. After that, she turned off her light and tried to go to sleep but about an hour later, she awoke to her phone going off.
"Hello?" She answered tiredly.
"Hey, what happened?" Gabe's voice rang. Cera explained. Gabe smiled. "Seriously? We can stop tormenting you now?" He asked.
"Looks like it."
"Finally... well, I'll let you sleep. See you tomorrow."
"You too." Cera said and fell asleep.


Alec hung up the phone. She saved my relationship with her best friend. We've hated each other for years yet she's going to trust me with Kiley... she's either stupid, too nice for her own good, or I really pushed her too far... I probably pushed her... Alec shook his head and stood from his bed.
"So, what happened?" Gabe asked, not knowing the full situation and not fully understanding, going off the phone call.
"Nothing." Alec said. I've been too mean. Cera hasn't deserved what she's got. I did too much... damn, I feel sick. "You know, I'm pretty tired. Can we talk tomorrow?"
"Sure." Gabe stood. I'll just as Cera what happened then. Gabe thought to himself. "See you at school."
"You too." Alec said as Gabe left. He felt awful. Guilt he's been trying to hold in for so long is finally flooding him and it felt like a punch in the gut. She practically handed over her best friend- according to Kiley, is even going to try to let Kiley dance with him at the dance. All this, just so she won't have to put up with him anymore. She's so done with him, she's willing to be nice to the guy that's treated her like dirt for years without a good reason. He was happy he was with Kiley. But, the only reason they were together, was because Cera didn't want to be hurt by him any longer. His goal was to make her angry. He never considered she might actually get hurt from his actions. He's never seen the girl cry... he must've forgot she could... and probably did.

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