Chapter 18

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Chris trailed behind Gabe into the kitchen but sat at the cheap wooden dinning room table that could hardly seat four. At first, Tori went on making food for the five to sit together and eat. That was, until Gabe asked,
"So, how was work?" Tori whipped around and looked at Gabe with wild eyes.
"It was about Cera!" She whisper yelled.
"His dream! It was about Cera!" She stressed.
"Wait, what do you mean-"
"I couldn't say in there cause Alec would kill me but- oh, hey! Just in time!" Tori changed herself completely as Cera walked in, Alec trailing behind. Cera was smiling but seemed slightly put off. Alec seemed on edge but no one said anything directly.

"What're we having?" Cera asked. Tori handed them empty plates.
"I made some mac and cheese... I know it's not glamorous-" Tori felt bad she couldn't give her son and his friends a fancy meal like Cera's parents could. Still, she tried her best and everyone knew it.
"No! This is great! It's been a century since I've had decent mac and cheese." Cera smiled politely. Cera knew Tori felt bad that she wasn't as rich as Cera's parents. Never for a second did Cera want Tori to think she was looked down upon because of it. It was because of this that Tori liked Cera so much. Secretly, she was rooting for her son and Cera to get together. After all, Cera would keep him in line and make sure he had someone to be close to after Tori eventually died. Alec smiled at Cera, knowing she was trying to be nice. She never lies, he remembered. She may be trying to be nice, but she never lies. Tori noticed his loving smiled to Cera and turned away to hid her grin. Eventually, the five sat down together and started to eat.
"This is really good, Ms. Rhodes- I mean, Tori." Cera said excitedly.
"It's just store bought." She smiled and shrugged.
"Yeah but you put real cheese in, right? Cheddar jack? For the consistency?" Cera was right on the nose.
"Uh... yeah." She smiled. "You can tell?"
"Totally! You also added seasonings. This is a lot better than regular store bought mac and cheese." Cera said and ate more. "Makes me think of my grandpa's cooking." Cera smiled at the food.
"What do you mean? Don't you get amazing meals all the time?" Tori asked.
"Well, sure. But my parents were busy when I was growing up. My mom grew up in a home that wasn't... financially stable. My grandpa would take store bought food and tried to 'doctor it up' as he liked to say... I always liked it." She remembered.
"Well how are they now?" Tori asked. Cera stopped smiling and kept her eyes on her plate, determined not to cry.
"They d-died a few years ago." She said and everyone slowed their movements and looked at her. Tori felt horrible for asking. Chris and Gabe just felt sorry for her. It was they heard about her grandparents deaths. She talked about how great of people they were but they realized no one asked about how they were before. Alec was the odd one out in the sense his mind didn't go straight to pity or regret.
"Three years ago?" Alec specified, making Cera nod lightly. It was clear she knew what he was suggesting. They died soon after David. That's when Alec felt sorry and started to rub her back.
"I'm... I'm so sorry I asked..." Tori said, shaking her head, ashamed.
"No, I'm sorry I made everything serious." She looked up and tried to laugh it off, scarfing food down. Eventually, the mood lighted up and people started talking again. The conversation was mostly started by Cera who tried to keep the mood light despite being the reason it got serious. It was going good. Better than before, until Tori got paged.
"Oh no." She said, looking at her phone. "I'm sorry sweetie. I have to go but you all hang out as long as you want." Tori got up and started to put things in her purse. Alec felt his heart fall. He hated that she worked so hard but she wouldn't let him help by getting a job which is why he never saw to point in getting on. With a couple goodbyes, Tori was out the door.
"Your mom is amazing." Cera smiled at Alec.
"You think so?"
"You kidding? Single mom working double- sometimes triple shifts so she can support her beloved son? Your mom's a badass." She smiled, making Alec smile back. He appreciated her saying stuff like that.
"Thank you. I know she tries really hard. I just wish she'd take a break once in a while." He confesses.
"No can do. She loves you too much." She nudged him with her arm and he smiled again. She always made him feel better. "Anyway, can I ask you about the girl from your dream? I know you think it's weird and I said I'd but out but it's driving me crazy!" Cera changed the subject. Chris and Gabe paused and listened closely. Why would Alec keep it a secret? So what if he dreamt about Cera?
"What do you wanna know?" He grinned and blushed lightly while picking at his food with his fork.
"Does she go to our school?"
"Do I know her?" To this, Alec thought.
"Probably." He chuckled. Gabe and Chris chuckled too. Apparently, to loudly because Alec and Cera looked at them, confused.
"Wait, you know who it is?" Cera asked.
"Tori told us." Gabe admitted with a red face. Alec sighed and shook his head. Guess I have explaining to do later, Alec thought.
"Why would she tell you and not me?" Cera whined.
"I don't get why this is so important to you. It's not like it meant anything." Alec grinned, amused.
"Alec, of course it meant something! Dream or not, if you weren't remotely attracted to this girl, you wouldn't have kissed her!" To this, Gabe dropped his jaw and stared at Alec before noticing Chris starting to cough from choking for a second. Alec sighed and shook his head with a red face. Cera stared at Chris like he went crazy.
"Is it that shocking?" She wondered out loud.
"Tori... n-never said anything about that." Chris coughed.
"You kissed her, Alec?" Gabe looked at him like he was crazy. Alec blushed.
"It. Was. A. Dream."
"It. Wasn't. Just. Any. Girl!" Gabe shot back, carefully. "When did you have this dream?"
"W-well..." Alec went from blushing, to bright red. Even his ears were red. "I... may have had it while on yours and Chris' birthday trip-"
"Do what?!" Chris asked before continuing to cough.
"Relax. It's not that big of deal. Besides, It's not like she's interested in dating me anyway." He mumbled the last sentence.
"What, is she gay?" Cera asked genuinely.
"Not to my knowledge." He shrugged indifferently. "I kinda wish she was..." by this, he meant it would be easier to forget his feelings for the sake of wanting to respect her sexuality. Basically, he'd use his tolerance as an excuse to move on so he wasn't heart broken. However, that is NOT what Cera got from that.
"Sicko..." She accused with a disgusted, scrunched up face. Alec looked at her and went red, suddenly feeling a need to defend himself.
"Nonono! N-not like that!" He said. "I just mean, It'd be easier to move on, is all..." His voice drifted off as he sat back in his seat and looked at his plate. Cera felt bothered.
"Why are you so convinced she'll reject you? You're sweet, charming, smart, funny, chivalrous, and you're not exactly bad looking." She scoffed at the last part, peeking Alec's interest. She really thought all those things about him? "Wait, It's not Kiley you dreamt about, it is?" Cera scrunched up her nose.
"No!" Alec, Gabe, and Chris said in unison. Alec glanced at the boys before looking back at Cera.
"Look, I'll tell you someday. But I need to get over her first." He said.
"Or you can just man up and ask her out." Cera challenged, making Alec sigh.
"Yeah, Alec, ask her out." Gabe took a bit of his food, eyeing him, knowingly.
"My mind is made up. This is what's best for everyone."
"Best for everyone." Cera scoffed and rolled her eyes. Does he have any idea how luck that girl would be? There's women that would KILL for a guy like him! Besides, this girl could be his soul mate and he's beating around the bush! How is that fair to either him or the girl he likes?! Cera thought.

They group moved to the living room for a movie. Despite being annoyed and upset with Alec, she covered herself with a blanket and curled up next to him, placing her head on his shoulder. Alec's right arm laid behind her and he resisted the urge to pull her closer. Cera's chest pressed against his side and she squirmed to get comfortable. Alec pulled the other half of the blanket over his body. Chris and Gabe sat on the other end of the couch- eating popcorn. Cera looked at the boys and back up to Alec before slowly starting to move off him.
"I'm sorry. You probably want some popcorn and I'm pinning you to the couch." She laughed, jokingly. Alec couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed her right arm and pulled her closer to be where she was before.
"It's fine." He blew off, feeling his heart start to beat rapidly. Cera smiled and cuddled up to him as Chris and Gabe watched. They both thought the same thing. They already act like a couple. Honestly, the boys didn't know what to do with themselves but watch as Cera slowly fell asleep on Alec's chest, where she had moved her head. Alec didn't look at her, knowing the boys were watching, but he knew she fell asleep. There was a certain comfort in knowing she felt safe with him. Alec tried to push it to the back of his mind. That's when he got a text. Alec used his left arm to get his phone out and look at the message.

From: Gabe
To: Alec

Comfortable with your girlfriend???

This made Alec glare at Gabe who just glared back at him. Alec sighed and messaged back:

From: Alec
To: Gabe

She's not my girlfriend...

From: Gabe
To: Alec

No shit Sherlock! Y don't u make a move?? She was giving you a green light!!

From: Alec
To: Gabe

She thinks I like someone else! I'm not telling her I like her, ok? Just drop it!

From: Gabe
To: Alec

Y r u like this?? R u that scared of rejection?? U don't even know if she feels the same!

From: Alec
To: Gabe

I have my reasons just wait till it's time for her to leave...

Alec turned off his phone. Gabe audibly sighed and threw his phone on the table in front of him. The noise caused Cera to shift, almost having woke up, and turned her head back to rest on Alec's arm, making their faces close. Alec felt his heart thump but tried to look at the TV.
"I'm gunna make more popcorn." Gabe announced and left. Chris went to use the restroom which left Alec with Cera, who slept soundly. He took the opportunity to stare at her whole face. Her expression was relaxed and calm, almost bored. She breathed deeply and in rhythm, making her chest rise and fall. There was no light coming in from the windows because they tried to make it dark for the movie but Alec could still see the outline of her soft face. He looked at her lips. They were pink and fit her face well, despite being somewhat thin. Alec sighed. He could kiss her. Right here, right now, and none, including her, would have to know. He could end his torture of wondering and finally move on be he knew that wouldn't be right. That would be sexual assault. He had enough self control to not act like an animal. He respected Cera too much to do something like that. Besides, it would be her first kiss he stole from her. He didn't have the right to do that.

Alec looked away, shaking his head. He was ashamed he even considered it. That wasn't right in his eyes. She trusted him enough to rest her head on his arm and he almost violated her? What I kind of best friend was he?

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