The Truth

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Panel One: Wide-angle view of the forest, as seen by a bird flying overhead. The view isn’t directly downward, though; it’s directed toward a point in the distance. 


Panel One: Close-up of Yaga.

YAGA: Could you go fetch some herbs for the soup, child?

Panel Two: Medium-length view of Yaga, standing with one hand on her hip. Her other arm is bent at the elbow with her hand at shoulder-level. She’s holding an oversized (for visual clarity) herb with three equal-sized, rounded leaves with pointed tips emerging from a single shoot. 

YAGA: Get ones that look like this. Three leaves all the same size. 

Panel Three: An illustration of the nightshade herb, with three leaves per shoot, but one leaf is quite large and the other two are very tiny. There are also a few flowers on the plant. Reference:

YAGA (OP): If you see ones with three leaves but one is large and the other two are tiny, that’s nightshade. 

Panel Four: Close-up of Yaga, her face shadowy, almost silhouetted. 

YAGA: If you eat nightshade, you’ll go off to sleep and never wake up. 


Panel One: Wide-angle view of Ania walking through the forest to the right, holding a small wicker basket. 

Panel Two: Medium-length view of Ania, looking inquisitive. 

ANIA: Wonder where all the animals are… I haven’t seen one in weeks. 

Panel Three: Close-up of Ania’s hand, grasping at some herbs growing in the ground. They’re the same ones that Yaga instructed her to get. 


Panel One: Medium-length view of Ania walking to the left, looking satisfied. 

ANIA: That was easy. Grandma will be happy I found the herbs so fast this time…

Panel Two: Wide-angle view of Ania, stopped in her tracks. 

SFX: [Wavy lines indicating undecipherable speech coming from the group’s camp, OP]



Panel Three: Close-up of Ania.

ANIA: Is that—? It must be… I’ve never heard them talk before. 

Panel Four: Panoramic view showing Ania and the others. Ania is crouching in the foliage a short distance from their camp. Yaga and her henchmen are seated around a fire. 

SFX: [Wavy lines coming from the henchmen]


Panel One: Medium-length view of Yaga.

YAGA: Soon. 

Panel Two: Medium-length view of one of the henchmen. 

HENCHMAN: She’s been here long enough. She’s ready. The longer we keep her around…

Panel Three: Close-up of Yaga.

YAGA: Soon, I said! For goodness’ sake!

Panel Four: Medium-length view of the henchman. 


Panel One: Wide-angle view of the group around the fire, with the henchmen and Yaga visible. 

HENCHMAN: It’s just that she’s another mouth to feed, my lady. The sooner we don’t have to feed her, the better. 

Panel Two: Close-up of Ania, listening intently. She seems a bit disturbed by what she’s hearing. 

Panel Three: Medium-length view of Yaga, her brow furled. 

YAGA: It sounds like you might be questioning me. 

Panel Four: Close-up of the henchman.

HENCHMAN: No! Not at all!


Panel One: Medium-length view of Yaga.

YAGA: I certainly hope not. You remember what happened last time…

Panel Two: Wide-angle view of the campsite. The figures appear small in the expansive forest.

YAGA: She’s not quite ready yet. She needs a bit more time, and then we can eat her. 


Panel One: Extreme close-up of Ania, looking terrified. 

Panel Two: Medium-length view of Ania.

ANIA: Eat me!?

Panel Three: Wide-angle view of Ania. She’s turned toward the left and is taking off running. Her basket has been dropped carelessly to the ground. 

ANIA: I need to get out of here. 


Panel One: Full-body view of Ania and a henchman. Ania had been running, and the henchman caught up to her and grabbed her from behind around the belly. His figure is large and hulking compared to hers. 

HENCHMAN: Not so fast, girl!

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