"Relax." I laughed moving to walk around him but he wouldn't let me, placing his hands on either side of the stairwell beside him. "I just want to go lay down Dean. Is that a crime?" I asked.

"No…no, but I don't want you walking up those stairs." He said.

I looked at him in disbelief, shaking my head but before I knew it I was swept up in his arms and carried up the stairs to the room.

"Uh…I can walk you know, Dean." I told him as he gently set me on the bed.

"I know but not up the stairs you can't. I'll be right back. Gonna go turn off the TV downstairs." He said.

"Dean no, you don't have to-" I was about to say before he interrupted me.

"I want to." He said as he ran out the room in a flash and I sighed leaning back against our headboard placing a hand over my huge bump.

"I seriously hope daddy doesn't think he can keep this up the whole time little one because I'll be damned if he thinks I'm gonna allow it." I said to my bump.

Dean was back in the room and laid beside me on the bed after cutting off the lights and television and making sure the door was locked and the alarm set.

I reached for the bed side lamp and Dean wouldn't even let me get that. I groaned in annoyance.

It was gonna be a long pregnancy.


It was the middle of week thirty nine when I were just waking up to start your day and felt a little off. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it and have it be nothing so I pushed the thought away that this could be the day. I was having a lot of those lately.

I slipped out of bed, waddling my way over to my bathroom. I had to pee. I barely crossed the bathroom's threshold when I felt a light trickle down my leg.

Damn it! I was tired of accidentally peeing myself whenever the baby jabbed against my bladder. It didn't help that the baby was as far down as it could get and putting tons of pressure on my lower extremities. I shook my head and finished walking in the bathroom to grab a towel and clean up when I felt the gush of water leave me. I jumped up in shock. What was…

"Dean," I whispered. I slowly turned to look at my sleeping husband, my body stiff. "Dean." I tried again, this time louder. He didn't stir. "Dean." I was on the verge of hysteria. Dean stirred in bed but whether it was from hearing me or just him moving I don't know. A moment later his head popped up after having run his hand across y side of the bed to not find me. He lowered it again but lifted it a moment later, turning to find me standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"Come back to bed." He moaned, dropping his head back on his pillow.

He wasn't a morning person, at all.

"Dean!" I called out to him, my voice starting out low before rising at the last second. He flipped onto his back in the bed rubbing his eyes.

"What babe?" He asked.

"My water broke." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"It's time." I said.

"For?" He asked.

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