Caitlin stepped around him, bare feet making silent contact with the floor as she moved. He heard her come to a halt by the bed side, before he turned around to find her seated on the edge of the bed, her hands clinging to something. He looked closely, inspecting the object that was in her hands but couldn't quite make out what it was.

“I watched you sleep.” She spoke slowly. “Peaceful.” A smile curved her lips. “You would sleep peacefully knowing you have a good life to look forward to; Lord Wellington's fortune, luxurious food and drinks and a never ceasing assortment of women. Finest skin, pressed against your white skin that bears no blemish. You shall ruin many others and shall eventually settle with a woman you shall wife and children to bear your name.” Her grip tightened around the object that was in her hands as she rose to her feet. The object became more visible and the fear he had when he laid in bed a few minutes ago, returned.

“Cai...” He muttered but she shook her head, a gun dangling in her hand.

“My mother told me many tales.” She laughed, a mirthless laugh. “Tales of ruined women and made me swear I would never be one. She warned me; You can never walk away from it. The man might, she said, but not you. You will live with it forever and pray everyday for death to mercy you by taking your life.”

“Caitlin!” He said, his voice trembling. He forced his legs forward, his eyes half close as he expected her to empty the bullets into his body. He reached the door, thankful he would get to escape. He reached forward and tried to open it but it was locked.

“It was the best night of my life. I remember thinking how wrong Mama was. She was wrong to think something shared between two people who loved each other, was wrong. Society was crazy for ostracizing women who risked it all for love!” Her voice rose a notch as he turned around to find that she still maintained her position by the bed side. “Finding your bedchamber wasn't exactly difficult, this was where my end began, this is where...” She sighed, as if unable to continue.

Frederick's mind searched for an escape as his gaze darted the room. Seeing none, he turned back to Caitlin who stood there watching him.

“Caitlin.” He whispered, walking towards her with his eyes fixed on the gun. When he reached her, he realized it was his gun. “Please, Caitlin.” He whispered, reaching forward with both hands and placing them on both her cheeks. “It mustn't end like this.” He said, leaning close.

He held her gaze and continued to lean further until he was pressing his lips against her cold lips. His hands traveled down her face, hoping he could retrieve the gun but she stepped back.

“I must pay the price for my action, as must you.” She pointed the gun at him.

“Caitlin!” He snapped, fighting the urge to curse. “I have divorced Elizabeth and now, I shall wed you.” He forced a smile, a taking a step towards her. “I love you.” He whispered. “I love you, Caitlin.”

She shook her head and he took another step towards her.

“Yes, my love. It is you I love. I was forced, threatened into marriage by my grandfather who is now dead and I...”

“Enough!” She said and he noticed her hands were trembling.

“You would kill me, Caitlin? You would end the life of the man who loves you?” He took a final step that brought him face to face with her. “Who wants nothing but to spend the rest of his life with you?” He reached forward, placing his hand on her abdomen. “Our child?” He whispered.

He watched as she weakened before him. Her eyelids pulled shut briefly and a tear ran down her face.

“My love...” He whispered, pulling her against himself. She leaned into his arms and he kissed her head, his hand slowly reaching for the gun that was held captive by her shaky fingers. “Give me the gun.” He whispered.

“Frederick...” She lifted her head and pressed her lips to his.

He kissed her, reaching down until his fingers made contact with the cold metal. His kiss deepened and her grip on the gun weakened further until he had retrieved it completely.

“Goodbye, Caitlin.” He whispered against her lips, pulling the trigger.

The loud sound of the gun exploded in the room as Caitlin's lips weakened around his. Her fingers clutched to his wrist as he watched her widened eyelids. He felt her stagger on her feet, her lips trembling as tears ran down her face. She seemed determined to keep standing, to keep staring into his eyes but her body seemed to be slipping to the ground. Her grip on his wrist weakened and her hand slipped down his hand, knocking the gun to the floor.

When she crumbled to the floor, he turned around and faced the door, his mind all of a sudden conscious of the sound of someone banging on the door and yelling. He took a step towards the door...

Copyright © 2017 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.

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