"..quickly then," yoongi hisses and points to his friend's binder.

seconds briskly pass by as countless students pile into their seats, happily chewing their cupcakes and waiting patiently for class to start.

the bell soon rings, and the class is up and running. the teacher announces that there is a new addition to their class this year and asks seokjin to introduce himself.

yoongi doesn't care about this new "perfect" part-time student, part-time baker, full-time annoying child nor did he want to listen to a stupid introduction. so he tuned kim jin's voice out, mind swarming with thoughts that didn't concern jin's stupid face.

namjoon is still scribbling stuff into his binder, barely lifting his head as kim jin introduced himself. it is only when the new boy's precious laugh echoes though the room when namjoon finally looks up from his notes, and his eyes meet seokjin's for the first time.

yoongi could've sworn namjoon stopped breathing for about five seconds.

namjoon pretty much forgets about everything he was doing in his binder and just pauses, completely frozen in shock. he stares at seokjin with his mouth open, drool gathering on his dry lip.

yoongi fights the urge to punch his friend's stupid face.

"stop, you look dumb," yoongi comments, scoffing.

"he's so cute what are you talking about," namjoon grunts, obviously not hearing the remark correctly.

yoongi rolls his eyes, slumping back into his seat. there's no way he will listen to me now. when has he ever?

as the brief introduction comes to a close, kim jin notices namjoon and they lock gazes. jin waves prettily and beams at the starstruck boy before taking his seat.

"he waved at meeeee," namjoon whispers excitedly at yoongi.

"shut the fuck up."

that same week, yoongi and namjoon stand in the hallways in between classes. hoseok is sick yet again much to yoongi's disappointment. this means he still has to witness namjoon and kim jin flirt nonstop every second of every day. it was so damn irritating.

"i'm gunna marry him," namjoon says, lovingly eyeing seokjin down the hall.

yoongi grunts, "uh, no you won't, you're ten."

"no, he knows my name now! and i know his!" namjoon protests eagerly, proud of his progress.

"it won't happen."

namjoon sighs frustratedly, hanging his head down, "please just be happy for me once, yoongi," he grumbles, stuffing his fists into the pockets of his hoodie.

yoongi realizes that maybe he is being a bit too hard on namjoon. he felt kind of guilty, seeing namjoon disappointed like this. it almost reminded him of other times he'd disagreed with hoseok. of course, yoongi knows he (himself, yoongi) was always right, but sometimes he needed to let the other person speak so they wouldn't didn't get angry.
that's yoongi's take on things, anyway.

"fine," the shorter boy mumbles. "i guess you will marry him."

namjoon looks up and his eyes light up in surprise. "you really think so?"

yeah, if you manage to maintain your relationship through the dreary school years.

"mhm," yoongi nods sarcastically.

"should i talk to him?" namjoon asks, peering up at the pretty boy again as jin starts walking toward the two.

"i don't care—"

"hello seokjin!" namjoon greets super enthusiastically as kim jin walks by. yoongi quickly slips behind namjoon so he is barely seen.

kim jin raises his perfect eyebrows and steps forward, smiling cutely at namjoon.

namjoon awkwardly clears his throat before meeting jin's eyes nervously. "i-i uhm think you're like... really very pretty! do you maybe like wanna be friends with me or something, you know?"

yoongi, who is uncomfortably watching behind namjoon, cringes and grimaces at the boy's awkwardness. sometimes he questions how namjoon can be so bloody embarrassing, god.

seokjin tilts his head forward and blushes shyly. "oh... thank you namjoon! sure i'll be friends with you!" well that was easy.

namjoon's face falls in confusion and disbelief, "wait, really?"

"mhm!" jin nods, a cute, happy smile plastered on his face.

namjoon rejoices, throwing his arms in the air with an excited yell.

yoongi just gives a tight, fake smile, uncaring to this situation.
until the realization hit him like a ginormous, ugly boulder.
if namjoon is friends with seokjin... then he has to be friends with seokjin!

"fuck no!" he swore under his breath. why?!

"hey don't swear!" seokjin yells, scowling at him, "you're not a grownup!"

oh fantastic, yoongi thinks to himself, he's a goody-goody good no-swear person. i have no desire for a second mother.

yoongi scrunched his face up in disgust of namjoon's new 'annoying' friend. they scowl at each other for a few seconds before the bell suddenly rings.

"oh! looks like class is starting," seokjin changes the subject, "i have to go! bye namjoon!"

"oh, bye! i'm like... so excited to hang out with you, like..." namjoon trails off awkwardly.

seokjin giggles, "mhm! bye joonie!" and blows a kiss before hurriedly retreating to his classroom.

namjoon literally melts, he slowly falls to the floor, clutching his heart with his hands.

"seriously?" yoongi mutters his breath.

"he's so pretty!" namjoon wails.

"god, why am i friends with you."

for you. yoonseokWhere stories live. Discover now