Chapter Twelve

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Uncle Kol and Nik ended up staying for a few days, they left Sunday evening. It didn't escape my notice that they only left after my grandparents and I started talking again. Or that they had begun to let me start making decisions where I should be. I gave Faye and Diana their magic back with the reminder that I was the leader and if they went against my rules I would take them again, only next time it would be for longer.

Before I knew it, it was the 19th September, Kylie and Kori's 16th birthday. Unfortunately, it fell on a Thursday. But we were not going to let that stop us from celebrating. We were all waiting on the beach after getting permission to miss school for the day. We all had to agree that we wouldn't skip again for at least 3 months.

Sean came running towards us waving his arms to signal they were coming. We all got into position, I held up the huge chocolate cake I had made while the others either grabbed signs, balloons, banners or poppers. As soon as they came into sight with their three brothers behind them their eyes widened. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday. Happy birthday to Kylie, happy birthday. Happy birthday to Kori, happy birthday. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday." We sang. They laughed at us as their brothers put on their own party hats and gave them matching crowns before putting them in fairy wings like the rest of us girls. The boy had different animal tails, something that was incredibly difficult to get certain people to where as well. I skipped holding the heavier by the second cake out to them. It was two tiers and I was struggling not to drop it. Luckily Chris and Doug grabbed hold of it.

"Make a wish." Lara chirped having trouble staying still. Her, Kylie and Kori were best friends. They blew them out together and we cheered, each one of moving to reveal the blankets laid out behind us with pillows, picnic baskets, presents and more. We all settled down, Jeremy cutting into the cake and handing it out. All of us might not always get along but we had all been friends since birth, we always gathered and ate cake for breakfast and did something.

"Here," I leaned forward out of Chris's hold to hand them both presents, "open mine first." They immediately ripped into the wrapping paper to reveal two different jewellery boxes, when opened they each had a photo of all of us and a couple pieces of jewellery inside. The others handed out theirs and I watched them be opened from Chris's arms. All the couples were sitting with each other, Selena was lying down with her head in Tommy lap, he was running a hand through her short wavy hair. Her grass green eyes were closed and she had a smile on her face. It didn't escape my notice that Melissa was sat rather close to Nick either, though I'm pretty sure he hadn't noticed, to busy talking to Romeo, who even though was used to his sister dating Tommy after a year was watching them. His own wavy hair blowing in the breeze. Tommy knew the second he ever upset Selena, Romeo would come for him, Nick following as his best friend.

We spent the entire day at the beach. We played games, went swimming, we did whatever we wanted. It had to come to an end though, Jeremiah and Carmen had, with the help of our families planned a party for them at the docks. My grandparents had done the food and drinks with Ethan. Everyone was invited, including the Blake family.


I laughed as Chris spun me round on the dance floor. I flew into someone else's arms. Looking up I saw it was Nick. "Having fun?" I nodded smiling. I managed to get him to dance a little with me. I had always been close to him; his mother Sara Armstrong was best friends with my mum, like Ethan was to my dad. She was my godmother, my only godmother. Kol and Nik were my other godparents. After dancing with different people in the circle, even Jeremy who hates dancing I went to get a drink where I saw Callie was currently doing the same. Her sister was hanging around with either Adam and Diana or Sally Matthews and her brother seemed to be with Mathias. They were getting close recently.

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