Chapter Three

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Walking up to the house I could hear people shouting. Pulling the door open I rushed in taking the stairs in front of me two at a time. Coming to the room where everybody was gathered I stopped in the doorway. They were spread out all over the room practically screaming at each other. Except Nick. Nick Armstrong was just sitting on the level above us with his legs hanging over the edge next to the ladder he used to get up there. No one noticed my arrival. Leaning against the door frame I listened to what they were saying.

"Honestly Adam. What was Diana thinking? She did not have the right to do this." Selena shouted with her brother leaning against the wall behind her. The second Adam said something to offend her Romeo would jump on him.

"What the hell was she thinking?" Suzanne screamed at Charlotte and Mathias.

"What if they can't be trusted?"

"What if they tell someone?"

Suddenly I couldn't tell who was shouting what. It was coming from every direction. Having enough and not caring if they asked questions later I concentrated on several objects placed around the room, shifting my hands. The objects shot into the air and started to fly around the room. The screaming stopped and instead everybody was ducking and moving around to avoid being hit. Seeing that I had everyone's attention I stopped shifting my hands. The objects immediately flew back to their original positions.

"Now that I have all your attention." I started speaking causing everybody to spin around to look at me. "I have a few questions I would like answered but I'll start with a simple one. Where the bloody hell is Diana?" For some reason the way I worded my question reminded me of a relative of mine.

"She's not here yet." Looking towards who answered I saw Kori Henderson, Kylie's sister. I smiled at her. When everybody was shouting, I noticed she and Kylie were trying to stay out of it like Nick.

"Now that that is answered..." before I could finish speaking Faye interrupted.

"Actually I have a question. How the hell did you do that?"

Turning to look at her she reeled back slightly, probably from the glare that had made its way on my face. Dealing with Faye drama was not something I wanted to go through right now.

"That is not your concern. However, since Diana is not here yet I will deal with you first Faye. What exactly was going through your mind when you set Cassie's car on fire? Melissa same question."

"We don't have to answer to you." Faye snarled at me causing Melissa to elbow her in the side.

"Actually you do since it is common knowledge in everything we have found out about magic and the circle that the Ravenwood family are the leaders. And to be honest Faye you are the biggest trouble maker there is. Believe it or not my life does not revolve clearing up the magical messes that you create which I feel like I have been doing for the past five months." I explained my voice getting louder as I carried on.

Dropping my bag on the hammock next to me I sighed. Running my hands through my hair I tried to think of different ways this situation could be dealt with. However, none of them actually looked appealing. Sighing again I nearly jumped when a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. As much as I wanted to just sink into Chris's arms I couldn't, this had to be dealt with now. Pulling away from him for what was probably for the first time ever instead of taking comfort from him I turned back to the group.

2When Diana and the Blake siblings get here you are all going to shut up, let me explain everything. We do not need anything going wrong, like them running off and telling someone that should not know." I spoke looking at each and every one of them.

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