Chapter Ten

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James and I had woken up late, Ethan had just rolled his eyes when we both came running down the stairs, he was too used to me staying over. l had done it so many times I had a couple changes of clothes in James's room. We quickly picked Jax and Tommy before speeding to school. It gave me time to talk to them and they understood why I had never said anything. They forgave me and I swore never to lie to them again.

We all ended up being late for History but lied our way out of a detention thankfully. Before I knew it, the day had flown by and it was lunch time, the four of us sat together along with Laurel. They made plans to go to the beach which I had to unfortunately decline due to being grounded and working. I was already expecting a lecture when I got home for staying out. Halfway through, Jeremy appeared sitting down and staring at me stopping all conversation. "So you and my brother are on a break." He stated smirking. Laurel's eyes widened and she spun to look at me. "Have to say, I didn't believe it at first. But uh," he glanced around, "seeing my brother acting like he is and that he's not here it seems my sisters are right."

"Can I help you with something Jeremy?" I asked not wanting to listen to this.

He shook his head. "Just looking for a reason why it happened. The girls tell me you're the reason behind it and whatever you did has Doug pissed off as well." I didn't say anything and he scoffed when he saw I wasn't going to. "Funny," he stood up, "you break my brother's heart, piss off another one and upset my sisters by doing so and here you are." He waved his hands backing away. "Sitting with your friends like none of it even matters." He eyes flickered to James. "Made up with your bestie fast enough though." He sneered at me before leaving completely.

It was silent then, Laurel was shocked at the news of Chris and I taking a break while the others had already known. The doors across from us flew open and the rest of the four Henderson siblings entered with a bunch of other people. "Yeah, he looks so bloody heartbroken." I muttered getting up and leaving.


"Thank you for coming, I hope you enjoyed your stay." My smile left as soon as the couple walked out. I was right, my grandparents weren't happy, instead of being at one of the shops I was working at the boarding house, Grammy in the office. I sighed in relief when my phone went off, a happy distraction. A little confused about it being an unknown number though.

"Hello." I greeted whoever was on the other end.

"Solstice, it's Callie." I paused a little stunned that one of the Blake siblings had called me. "Callen and I were just wondering if you were busy? We want to learn more about magic but,"

"No." I interrupted her. "I mean no I'm not that busy." I peered at my grandmother's office moving backwards away from it. "I can meet you at the abandoned house if you remember the way." Getting her agreement, I hung up and hurried over to Shayla, a witch who had been working here for a year. After telling her she would be taking over the front I ran out not wanting Grammy to catch me. Reaching an empty alley, I disappeared, reappearing in the woods near the house and quickly made my way there.

Setting a few things up before they got here I stopped hearing more than two people enter. Carrying on, all five of the Henderson siblings entered stopping short when they saw me. Today just wasn't my day.

"Can I help you?" I asked placing some candles onto the table.

"I thought you were working for the next couple of weeks and if you weren't you were grounded?" Doug said crossing his arms. I shrugged not wanting to get into it. I couldn't have answered anyway as the Blake twins had entered, stopping when they saw the Henderson's.

"Don't worry." I smiled at them. "They aren't staying and if they are they can go downstairs."

"Your teaching them magic." The girls said looking at their brothers who looked just as shocked as they did.

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