Log 2: Changes to the Institute

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I'm trying not to make too many waves as I begin to fulfill my new role as the Institute's leader. I have, however, made some additions and changes that not everyone is happy with. First of all, I brought Dr. Brian Virgil back to the Institute. I went back to the cave he was living in with X6-88. I told him that he was welcome back to the Institute, and that he could pursue the FEV research as he saw fit, with minimal interference from me. He made a show of not being sure he wanted to return, but I could tell he was dying to. After all, he was only a man now, and he lived in a cave, surrounded by junk, and eating trash, how could he not be longing for home? He came back with us, and he got set up in his old quarters, and has begun further testing on the FEV serums. Human test subjects are still needed for the trials, but I've told our coursers to only take raiders to fill this role. We had some Gen 2 synths go make the repairs to his lab, so the work could continue.  The one person that was upset by this was Dr. Holdren. He and father decided together about what to do with Virgil, and he was fearful of what his colleagues would say when they found out. I told him that his name would be left out of the affair. I announced to the Institute that Virgil was back, and that it was Father's decision to have him hunted down, but mine to bring him back. Dr. Li later told me that she was happy to hear honesty for a change. 

The second change was to re-examine the beryllium agitator. Most of the personnel seem to be content neglecting the fact that we are relying on a 200 year old device. Not many people are happy about this, but I've assured everyone that it's only for a few days. Advanced systems are going to take it apart and work on building a new one from scratch. We can let the old agitator run while they work, but I will feel much more comfortable when we have a newly-built, institute created piece of tech up and running. I've also pointed out that our power crisis is no longer such a pressing issue without the Brotherhood and Railroad on our tails. So everyone will be taking a few days off to conserve power coming from our limited sources and to take a sigh of relief. The Institute is safe now, and everyone seems to be letting that sink in, finally. Also, over these next few "rest" days, the new research projects will be proposed to me for review. The slate is totally empty. Now that Dr. Li isn't working on synth Shaun, the reactor will soon be safely running on a new Beryllium Agitator, and the Gen 3 synths have been fully rolled out, it's time to choose the next big project for the Institute to work towards. 

In other news, Bioscience was successful with using FEV DNA splicing into the Institute crops, and the yields are much larger than before. However, due to the delicate matter of how ravaging the FEV is, crops yields will first be sold to and consumed by surface dwellers. The are no predicted side effects, and any becoming present is extremely unlikely. After this test, the Institute food supply will gain a boost of around 3-5% per month, which adds a great deal to our food security. I have several other things in motion that will be rolled out in the near future, but those are matters for another time.  

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters within the Fallout universe. This is all copyrighted and under the jurisdiction, control, and ownership of Bethesda Studios. This is just a bit of fan fiction to give myself and other players a bit of closure for the lack-luster endings to the game. 

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