Twenty minutes later he was crawling into my tiny  compact car and I realized just how huge of a man he was. I stifled a snicker as it seemed like his knees was pressed to his chest.

"There's a lever underneath the seat so you can slide back if that will help". I offered.

Reaching below, he released the seat and it rolled back with a swoosh. This time I couldn't suppress my laughter. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

Grinning he only nodded.

I took in the garments he was wearing and knew he needed some item's. The hospital supplied him with something to wear from the lost and found closet and let's just say that he truly fit the description of a homeless person now.

Pulling into a chain department store that sold everything from clothes to food, I got out.

"Come on. You are going to need some item's".

"No, I couldn't. You've already opened your home to me and couldn't possibly ask for more".

"Listen Mr. Rude, you have no clothes or anything you may need. This is a must".

Relunticaly he shoveled himself from the car and followed me in. "Could you really find another name for me". He laughed.

"Ummm...we will see. It's hard to name a grown human. It's not like naming a puppy".

"Did you just refer to me as a dog?"

"No, a puppy. There's a difference".

A hour later we left with a few outfits and other supplies for him. As he entered my flat, his presence was well known. He seemed to swallow up my tiny space. Showing him the bathroom and kitchen I then pointed to my couch. "And that's where you'll be sleeping. Sorry it's all I have to offer. Don't worry, I work six or more hours a day so you'll have some privacy."

I went to my supply closet and grabbed him a extra blanket, sheet and pillow. "Here ya go. I'll need to make a run to grab a few groceries in a bit for us. Maybe if your up to it we can drive around town and see if anything jogs your memory?"

He nodded and I felt so bad for him. I couldn't imagine what he must be feeling.

"Okay, let me shower then we can get on the go. Make yourself at home. The remote is on the side table and there's soda and snacks in the kitchen. Help yourself."

I found it odd to be showering with a strange man in my home and as a extra precaution I locked the bathroom door. Like that would help if he decided to attack me, my doors were practically made of splinters and he could easily snap them. However I didn't feel afraid of him. Yes, I didnt know a thing about him but I just got the feeling that he wouldn't harm me.

Two hours later I stuffed him back into my car and drove him around town. Sadly, nothing seemed familiar or triggered any memories. By nightfall we returned home and he helped unload the groceries.

"This is all new to me. I usually don't cook for myself. Mostly I eat on the go".

"Then please allow me. It's the least I can do for your generosity".

Stepping back I grinned. "It's all yours".

Taking a seat on the couch because I had no room for a table, I instructed him where to find the utensils he needed. Twenty minutes later the aroma that filled my tiny place was mouthwatering and my stomach released a monstrous growl.

Mr. Rude looked over at me and grinned. "Someone sounds hungry?"

With flamming red cheeks I muttered. "Sorry, but the food smells wonderful".

He brought our plates over to the couch and I slid the side table in front of us. Taking my first bite I mumbled with a full mouth. "Oh my, this is amazing".

After I made a pig of myself I said. "That's it. You must be a chef at one of the fine restaurants around here".

Shrugging his shoulders was his only reply.

"Maybe we should check into tomorrow. See if any chef's have went missing without warning. I work the morning shift tomorrow so we can go when I get off".

"Worth a try." He agreed.

"Mind if I jump in the shower?"

"Of course not. Go ahead. I'll just tidy the kitchen".

Just finishing up with the last dish, I heard the bathroom door open and turned around and damn. There he was standing only in the pajama bottoms I purchased for him. His hair was wet and shone like the night sky. He'd given his face an expert shave that only defined his jawline more. His bare skin chest was so smooth and showed off his rich tanned skin. It was obvious that he had to be Italian.

I tried to pull my eye's from him but couldn't for the life of me. He was so good looking that he could bring peace to the middle East with just his smile. Then it happened, I don't know if he did it purposely to entice me more or it was his body's natural reflex, but his well toned pecs flexed. My nipples instantly grew hard and fought against the restraints of my bra.

Slinging myself around I grabbed up the first thing I saw which was the sponge and started scrubbing the counter top vigorously. You would have thought I was trying to sand it down the way I went to work on it.

Thankfully to my relief, when I turned around he had his shirt on and was seated on the couch. Taking a deep breath I took a seat opposite from him feeling ashamed of my gawking eye's.

He only looked at me and smiled but I swore I saw a devious glint in his eye's.  "Sorry, I should have put my shirt on before I entered the room.

Shit on a stick, he had noticed my roving eye's. Now would be a great time for this chair to eat me alive and save me from this embarrassment.

"Oh, no. Ummm... didn't bother me at all. Really wasn't nothing to see. I mean not that you wasn't... that your chest isn't... ".

Clamping my mouth shut I took a calming breath. "I should head to bed now. I've a early morning".

He smiled clearly knowing the effect he had on me. As I rose he did too. We stood there staring at each other in a thick silence until the door slung open and in rushed Jerry.

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