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The group were in shock. The woman who had saved Sophia, had a son, and he was trapped inside a barn full of walkers. No scratch, bite, or anything on his pale skin. The only problem was his health. He must have been in there for a long time. Carol rushed to help Winter carry the small boy back to the farmhouse. Hershel followed them, and helped the poor boy before he left to go to town and drink. No one knew where he went. No one but Winter. But she didn't say anything, she had completely shut down. Not even Sophia could get her to smile again. Dale grew worried of his daughter, Carol grew worried of her best friend, Sophia grew worried of her hero, and lastly, Daryl grew worried for his Saviour.

Currently Mason was laying on a bed, hooked up to IV's and machines. He was asleep. Patricia was watching over him, while Beth was in shock over the barn incident, and Maggie was watching over her. Winter was out in the woods, heading to a nearby town. When she made it there, it was around lunch time, and she was slaying walkers left and right. She let out the anger she had held inside. She let herself mourn and grieve for all she has lost. She let her frustration out, knowing he couldn't face Mason for a while. She didn't care. She simply slayed walkers left and right. She had no idea she was followed by the archer.

"Ye should go back. That boy needs his Ma." Daryl tells her, shooting a walker behind her with an arrow.

"Get outta here, Daryl. I need to be alone." Winter says sternly. "And why would you care? It ain't your boy, and I ain't anything to you."

"Yer right. He ain't my boy. But you, yer the one who saved Sophia. Yer the one who saved me. I owe ya." Daryl states, pulling her to his Motorcycle and forcing her on it. "That boy needs to see his Ma when he wakes up."

That was what made Winter stop. She didn't complain, she didn't resist. She simply got on Daryl's bike, wrapped her arms around his waist and thought of what Daryl said. She thought of why he would follow her, why he would convince her to go back. She smiled slightly, feeling like she had him as a friend now. She closed her eyes while she rests her head on his back, waiting to arrive on the farm again. When they get there, Glenn and Rick had already left to find Hershel.

"He went out drinking his sorrows away..." Winter whispers as Daryl stops the bike and turns it off. He nods and helps her off. "Thank you, Daryl..." Winter hugs him before walking into the house and to her sons room.

Daryl didn't know why he cared to follow her, or why he wanted her back at the farm again. All he knew was three things. 1) she saved Sophia, 2) she saved him, and 3) her son needed her.


I walk into Mason's room, and Patricia nods to me before leaving to give us privacy. I sit on the side of the bed, holding Mason's small, pale hand. I feel tears slide down as I watch his sleeping face. I look at the multiple IV's attached to his frail body. One was to give him liquids, another to give him the nutrients he needed, and the other was for blood transfusion seeing as Mason had a small, but deep wound. I brush hair from his face. I cry silently a I fear for his life. If he turned, I wouldn't be capable of putting him down.

"How's he holding up?" I hear Maggie ask softly from the door. I look over to see her and Sophia standing there.

"I don't know... I just got here a bit ago..." I whisper, clutching his hand tighter. He was pale, but with a bit of pink on his skin.

"Mom is making you something to eat. She's worried about you..." Sophia says softly, coming to stand beside me. "I am too, Snow."

"I know..." I whisper, grabbing her hand in my free one. "But I'm back. I'm never leaving again. I realise that he needs me. That you guys need me."

"C'mon Sophia, let's go to bed. I'm sure Winter wants some alone time with her baby boy..." Carol says softly, putting a plate of food on my lap. Sophia looks at me and I nod, so she leaves with her mom.

"He's so big... I haven't seen him since he was 4." Maggie says, in the chair on Mason's other side. "I remember when you am Zane were fighting, you let Mason spend the weekend here."

"Maggie... Can we not talk about Zane right now? He's dead. The only good thing he gave me was Mason. That's it." I say softly, staring blankly into we eyes. She nods softly.

A Saviour to an Angel. (TWD fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now