It seemed that once again Clary was outshining her. Khloe had thought that maybe becoming a Shadowhunter would even the playing field between Clary and Khloe. Because it was true that physically Clary was not better than Khloe in a fight.

But now with Clary's newfound ability, it seemed she was once again pushed back into the shadows.

Khloe ran her hand along the box glaring at the page wishing that she was better.

"What did the page ever do to deserve that?" Alec asked as he walked into the room seeing her glaring at it.

"She is better than me again. I try so hard to be anywhere near as good as her. But without even trying she beats me. I hate it."

Alec walked over to the edge of the bed taking the page from Khloe's hand and looking at the before throwing it aside.

"She is not better than you. Just because she can do things that you can't. I spent a long time trying to be like Jace. But that's not who I am. She can put things in paper. Cool. But you can fight. Trust me in a fight, that's not going to help her"

"What do I have that'll help me in a fight?" Khloe asked.

"Well, aside from you unbelievably accurate aim you've got your strength. I saw you fight that circle member outside of the Pandemonium. You won for a reason." Alec paused. "She is not better than you. If we're being completely honest I think you're better. You're not annoying either so that's a plus."

"I don't know what you talking about I'm pretty annoying."

"Well, you're nowhere near as bad as your sister. Trust me she's the most annoying person I've ever met. But like I said her paper powers are nothing. She is not better than you."

Khloe sighed deciding that it would be best to just agree with Alec. While he had convinced her that Clary's paper power was stupid, because it was, she still felt slightly inferior. Alec pulled the girl closer and took her face in his hands.

"You're going with Luke, Jace and Clary aren't you?" Alec asked.

"Yeah," Khloe responded.

"Promise me you'll be careful?"

"I promise, Alec."

"Good." He replied placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.


Clary, Luke, Khloe, and Jace had decided to head to the precinct to retrieve the Mortal Cup.

"Alright cards are on my desk it shouldn't take long," Luke said turning to face the Shadowhunters.

"All right," Jace said as the Shadowhunters began to walk until Luke stopped them. "Whoa whoa whoa. It'll be easier to avoid unnecessary attention if I do this alone."

Khloe and Clary nodded while Jace folded his arms. "We'll wait here."

Luke nodded and started walking away from Jace who turned to the girls. "It sounded boring anyway." Khloe laughed and playfully shook her head at Jace's lie. "What?" He asked innocently.


Jace chuckled. "Maybe it was a bit of a lie."

"A bit?"

"Only a little bit though."

"Mhmm." Khloe hummed nodding her head showing that she clearly didn't believe him.

After a while, Luke still hadn't returned Clary and Khloe began to get slightly worried.

"I've got a bad feeling about this. What is taking him so long?"

Khloe {Alec Lightwood}Where stories live. Discover now