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The next few days passed in a blur, and before long the recruits were starting their third week. Nothing much had happened, Jake Lloyds finished his punishment, two recruits were caught with their phones on Camp, resulting in an instant week long kitchen duty for both. The camp had stayed relatively calm, and Viper was slowly gaining respect from the twenty four spies for the obvious effort he puts into the training that everyone received. Even K and D Unit had to run the assault corse every day, and that included Viper. Viper was the type of soldier who wouldn't let his men fall behind, even if they were already on a job.

The recruits looked as tired as ever, finally learning that if they wanted to actually get some sleep, they would go to bed during free time instead of lights out, and wake up slightly more refreshed. Several of the new spies looked like they had a lot of potential, and with some training Viper was sure he could shape their skills and help them grow. One particular group of spies, namely Andrew Smith an his half-dozen friends, showed absolutely no potential at all. They all looked to have it in them to become a soldier, probably a Marine, but none of them were cut out for the life of a spy.

Only several days after Viper observed this behaviour, the Units were called to Sergeant Sanders office during Free Time, drawing the attention of the recruits who were still awake and watching the huts. All eight soldiers walked outside, into the crisp October air and into the view of prying eyes.

"Kitchen Duty for anyone who keeps staring!" Viper barked out, forcing all of the recruits to return to their bunks, all but one. Andrew Smith simply opened the door quietly, thinking stupidly that Viper wouldn't notice. he crept closer, trying to hear their conversation. "... A few days should do it, maybe two? perhaps three, he is very persistent," Smith was very confused by this snippet of information, so he crept ever closer to the group, so he was only a few feet from Viper.

"Your right, he's very persistent, and his inference is terrible, I mean, he hasn't even noticed who we're talking about yet" Fox smirked slightly at the look on Vipers face, he knew what was about to happen. Smith had finally realised what they were saying and had just started to scurry off, only getting a metre or two away before being grabbed by the collar, and dragged back to face Wolf . His face was red, but the glint in his eyes was even more frightening.

"Who do we have here?" Wolf smirked before dragging Andrew over to Viper. Despite the obvious age difference of about five years, Andrew shrunk when he was in front of Viper, who was a good few inches taller than him.

"What do you think your doing? I know you want to be a spy, but honestly you never will be if you sneak up on people like that! " Viper wasn't quite shouting, but in the deafening silence of the camp he may as well have, it seemed that everyone had gathered to watch. "Kitchen duty for three more weeks! and if anyone catches you again, that's kitchen duty for the rest of your hopefully short stay! Go to the barracks!"

As Andrew slinked away, ashamed and worried about his career, Fox heard both Snake and Eagle mutter "Personally I think that's overkill." They both looked at each other and high-fived, making Wolf roll his eyes in disgust.

"We'd better get to the Sergeant, it sounds urgent," Wolf nodded and the group set off at a fast walk, glancing back to make sure none of the recruits were following them. Their quick walk morphed into a jog as they realised that ten minutes had passed since they were called over.

Finally the cabin came into view, and in the fading light of the sunset, the dark, withered wood seemed to glow and shine, glorifying the cabin. As the moment faded, the cabin sulked and returned to its normal withered look. As they stepped up to the door, Viper signalled for Wolf to knock, it was his unit and they weren't entirely sure it was about the recruits. Wolf nodded back in gratitude, knocking firmly on the door.

"Enter!" The Sergeants voice sounded angry, definitely not a good sign. The unit marched in, standing in their standard military salute at the back of the room, waiting for the Sergeant. "At ease men,"

All eight soldiers relaxed and let their arms fall to their sides, finally free to let their gaze wander from the sergeants desk to the far corner of the room. This corner, normally bland with its lonely red sofa, was finally occupied, a woman sitting gracefully on the sofa, her posture so perfect you could have thought she was once a pianist.

It only took the soldiers a few seconds to recognise her, and Viper knew her instantly. The darkened skin, long, perfected hair and precise makeup was unique to one woman. A Mrs Tulip Jones, director of MI6.

The sergeant noticed the soldiers wandering gazes and drew their attention by clearing his throat, making the units eyes snap back to the sergeant.

"As I'm sure you've noticed, Mrs Jones has decided to pay us a visit, and I'm sorry I couldn't warn you earlier, but I only found out myself when she arrived ten minutes ago." The sergeant signalled for Mrs Jones to stand, and she strode over to the desk with purpose and grace, retaining the posture of a pianist as she walked.

Halting beside Sergeant Sanders desk, she picked up a Manila file that was resting on the edge of the desk, shuffling and sorting through the papers for a few seconds before speaking.

"I appreciate you all meeting so abruptly, I apologise for the inconvenience, but the message I had ordered be sent here must have been lost, but never mind, I'm here now," Jones glanced at Sanders, who nodded slightly before clearing her throats and continuing. "I would like to speak with all of you in a meeting room to discuss the recruits progress and their training, I would also like to have a private word with Viper afterwards, please"

The soldiers nodded, they hadn't ever been in a meeting room before, only the sergeant normally used them for video conferences with commanding officers. Motioning with her head towards a dark oak door in one side of the room, she glided over to it and opened the door, wincing slightly at the creaks emanating from the joints.

All eight soldiers filed into the room, taking a seat at one end of a long conference table, a plasma TV at one end of the room. "Well, let's get started."

---Authors Note---Authors Note---Authors Note---

Disclaimer: I own nothing you recognise from the Alex ride series, it all belongs to Anthony Horowitz

Hello! I'm sorry this chapter is a week late, I'm ill and was away at the weekend, so it's difficult to find time or inspiration to write. I finally wrote this so you'd better appreciate it! I'm only kidding, but yes, this plot is going somewhere and your probably thinking the right thing, it was gonna happen at some time! (Now i can only hope your thinking the samething as me) please enjoy and please please please read these awesome books:
•Becoming an Agent
•After the end
•The Underdog
•Falling Back
Thank you!

Three questions for you to think about:
    •Why do you think Jones is there?
    •Why is Viper being talked to in private?
    •What's gonna happen to Mr Andrew S Smith

Vote and review! By Teddybearcrazy / RainbowFire

Date published: 22nd October 2017

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