When I found my scarlet team robes, pulled my hair into a high ponytail and pulled my cloak on for warmth, I threw a pillow at Hermione waking her up slightly so I could tell her where I was, she only grumbled in response and waved me away. Laughing silently, I went down the spiral staircase to the common room with my Nimbus Two Thousand over my shoulder. Harry was waiting for me dressed in his team robes and his broom by his side. 

I smiled and walked over to him. "Morning"

"Morning, Bella," he smiled back at me. "How did you sleep?"

"Perfectly fine until Wood woke me up," I grumbled. 

Harry laughed. "Me too,"

We had just reached the portrait hole when there was a clatter behind us and Colin Creevey came dashing down the spiral staircase, his camera swinging madly around his neck and something clutched in his hand. I held back a groan. Dealing with Colin isn't something I want to do first thing in a morning. 

"I heard someone say your names on the stairs, guys, look what I've got here! I've had it developed, I wanted to show you-"

I looked over Harry's shoulder at the photograph that Colin was holding and giggled. 

A moving, black and white Lockhart was tugging hard on an arm that I recognised to be Harry's with a grumpy me trying to get free from his grasp. The frown on my face was laughable. Harry's photographic self was putting up a good fight and refusing to be dragged into view. As I watched, Lockhart gave up and slumped, panting against the white edge of the picture whilst me and Harry ran free. 

"Will you both sign it?" Colin asked eagerly. 

"No," Harry said flatly. 

"Sorry, Colin, we're in a hurry - Quidditch practice," I tell him.

We climbed through the portrait hole and linked hands like we always do. Huh, maybe that's why people think I'm his girlfriend...

"Oh, wow! Wait for me! I've never watched a Quidditch game before!"

Colin scrambled through the hole after us and this time, I didn't fight the groan. 

"Then wait for the match," I grumbled pulling Harry along. 

"It'll be really boring," Harry said quickly, not wanting to seem rude unlike me, but Colin ignored him, his face was shining with excitement. 

"You guys are the youngest house players in a hundred years, aren't you?" Colin asks us, trotting alongside us.  I wonder if there's a spell to mute people... "You both must be brilliant. I've never flown. Is it easy? Is that your own brooms? Is that the best one there is?"

How do we get rid of this kid?! It was like having an extremely talkative shadow! I groaned and pulled Harry along faster, but Colin kept up. Count to ten, Bella...

"I don't really understand Quidditch," Colin said breathlessly. "It is true there are four balls? And two of them fly round trying to knock people off their brooms?"

"Yes," I answer heavily, not wanting to explain the rules to him but I knew he wouldn't shut up if I didn't. "They're called Bludgers. There are two Beaters on each team who carry clubs to beat the Bludgers away from their side. Fred and George Weasley are the Gryffindor Beaters."

And the best Beaters we have ever got. 

"And what are the other balls for?" Colin asks, tripping down a couple of steps because he was gazing opened-mouthed at us. 

"Well, the Quaffle - that's the biggish red one - is the one that scores goals. Three Chasers on each team throw the Quaffle to each other and try and get it through the goalposts at the end of the pitch - they're three long poles with hoops on the end," I explain through gritted teeth. 

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