A day with a baseball player (Part 2)

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The kids climbed into the back of Tripp's car shutting their doors and buckling up for the rode. Clem played with the hem of her baby blue dress, she was a little nervous about being in a car. What if they crash again....and she loses these people as well...? Mariana looked over at Clementine and noticed how nervous Clem looked and frowned "Hey Clem, It's ok you're safe." She replied giving Clem a soft smile. Gabe looked over and nodded "Yeah...uh you're safe with us, don't worry."  He replied smiling shyly at her. Clem looked up from her hands and looked at the small girl and gave a small nod "Th-Thank you guys..." She spoke feeling a lot better and a bit more calmer. Javi walked over getting into the seat next to Tripp shutting his door, "Thanks for the  ride Tripp" Javi replied as Tripp began driving. "It's no problem man you guys seem like good people and what you're doing for that little girl back there takes a lot of heart." He replied as Javi looked down guilt eating him alive....of course they would take the girl in they ...killed her only family....

Javi just looked up and smiled a bit "Of course we would i mean who wouldn't take in Clemenentine?" He asked as Tripp shrugged "Some people don't have that kind of heart" He answers as he drove down the street getting on the highway. Javier just nodded. The rest of the drive was quite until Marianna screamed in delight as a carnivel came into veiw "Woah! Javi are we going to a carnival?!" Mari asked excitedly as Clementine and Gabe looked up at him excitment in their large innocent eyes. Javi turned around in his seat and smiled brightly "Yeah we are kiddos! told you we were gonna have some fun today!" He spoke as Tripp chuckled pulling into the parking lot "Alright, Javi call me when you guys are finished I gotta head to my shop and open up but i can come get you guys when you're ready." Tripp replied "and as for you kids , it is your duty to have a fun time ok? " Tripp smiled as the children smiled at hi and nodded "We will! " Gabe spoke as the three of them got out of the car. "Thanks again man" Javi spoke getting out of the car closing the car door. Tripp gave a smile before he drove off leaving the children and the adult male.

Javi turned to the kids and smiled at them "Well come on kids remeber stick together and don't wonder off" Javi spoke as the four of them began walking to the entrance. "Im gonna get you guys some tickets ok so we can go on rides and play games" He spoke as Clementine looked around excitedly "I've never been to a carnavel before..." she replied causing Gabe to turn to her a surprised look on his face "What? really???" he asked as Clementine looked down shyly "Yeah...." she spoke "Well you are about to have an awesome time Clementine." Marianna spoke Gabe nodding in agreement. The kids and Javi made it to the ticket booth and he paid for around 100 tickets for all of them to share. luckily the tickets didn't cost to much around 30 dollars for 100 tickets.

"Alright we have 100 tickets for all of us to share , what do you guys wanna do first?" Javier asked as the 3 kids looked around their eyes big in excitement. "How about the we try to win some prizes at the game booth uncle Javi?" he questioned as Javi nodded "Alright sure lets hope we win some prizes then " Javi spoke knowing that Carnival games ...can cheat. The family walked into the carnival the smell of cotton candy and popcorn and food hitting their noses. Clementine looked around for a game for them to play when her eyes landed on a baseball type game , she looked at the prizes and almost squealed when she saw a stuffed and fluffy white puppy. The stuffed animal seemed to be calling her name and she thought maybe she could win it. Clementine tugged Javi's shirt causing him to look down at her "Yeah?, what is it Clementine ?" he asked as "Can we play that game ....?" She asked shyly as Javi smiled brightly down a her. "Of course Clem, come on guys let's play some games!" Javi cheered like a child causing the kids to laugh in agreement as they all ran over to the booth. " Alright step right up! take the ball and throw it and hit the target! hit the target you win any prize you like !" The game keeper yelled as Javi handed him a ticket "Clementine give it a try!" Javi spoke as the game keeper gave the girl a ball, it was kinda heavy in her hand, she didn't know if she could win....but she would try... "O-Ok Javi.." she replied as she raised the ball in her hand then she threw it. The ball didn't even make it to the target...Clementine looked down in disappointment while Javi and the others comforted her.

"you did good Clem...ok?" Javi spoke rubbing her back as the game keeper laughed "My that had to be the most pathetic throw I've seen! you lose sweetie! better luck next time!" The game keeper laughed causing Javi to look up and give the old man a harsh glare...That old fuck did not....In rage Javi slammed down another ticket on the counter "give me another ball.." He replied causing the man to look at him in shock as he immediately stopped his laughter, "Uh of course..." he replied giving him another ball. Javi snatched it and aimed it at the target and threw it. Javi threw the ball so hard causing the target to actually break into pieces. Man his baseball arm was still just as strong as the old days. The game keeper looked at Javi in complete shock as Javi just gave him smirk "Now you're going to give the girl  her prize and apologize for laughing at her NOW" Javi growled causing the man to shrink back as his eyes landed on Clementine who looked back up at him. " I want the white puppy..." She spoke quietly as the game keeper nodded his head grabbing the large stuffed animal from it's hook and gave it to her. Clem's face lit up and smiled taking the fluffy stuffed pup. Clem looked up at Javi and smiled brightly "Thank you Javi..." She replied with a smile as he smiled down at her patting her hat "No problem Clementine..." He replied as he turned to the other two kids "lets go kids more games and rides to explore!" He replied as they all smiled hurrying off to go deeper into the carnival.

Hours seem to fly by as the small family laughed holding cotton candy , popcorn and stuffed animals. Tripp was waiting out in the parking lot as they leave the carnival. "That was so much fun Javi!" Gabe replied as he took a bite out of his cotton candy. " Yeah uncle Javi! thanks for taking us, we haven't had fun like this in a long while." Marianna spoke as Javi chuckled "Glad you both had fun! what about you Clem did you have a good time ?" Javi asked looking over at her, Clem looked up at him stickers and bits of cotton candy on her face from having a little play fight with Mari. "Yeah I did! this was so much fun!" she cheered as Javi smiled at her "That's good I had fun as well!" he spoke as they arrived at Tripp's SUV. Getting the kids into the vehicle making sure they were strapped in before Javi jumped into the passenger seat. Tripp smiled at the kids and conversed with Javi about their day. As time went by Javi turned checking on the kids on only to see that Mari and Clem had fell asleep while they used an awake Gabe as a pillow. Javi chuckled as he pulled out his smart phone and took a little picture...he'd definitely save that for memories..

Javi smiled at the picture on his phone

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Javi smiled at the picture on his phone...He was glad he could give the kids an amazing day..he truly felt like an uncle especially to Clem.

(OMG guess whos back with the updates!! I'm not dead LOLLLLL!! next chapter is gonna be with David ooooooooo! if you have ideas for how Clem and him can bond I would love to hear about it! hope you all enjoy!)

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