A not so happy birthday

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Clementine sat in the back car seat looking at an old photo of her mom and dad, it was slightly burned and ripped but other then that it was in good shape to her. Clementine sighed softly looking at the picture of her parents...she missed them dearly that day...that day where she lost them to a house fire...the memory burned into her mind forever.  It happened three years ago when she was 7 after that Lee had became her foster parent until they could find a family who would adopt Clementine into their family. When she first met him she hid in the closet still shaken up over her mother and father's death...She would  cry and cry curling herself up into a ball and clutch her hat that her father let her borrow and the picture of her deceased family.

She'd only come out to eat and to use the bathroom barely speaking to the man taking care of her. Lee would come to the closet and talk to her everyday and some days she would just listen to his stories he would share and sometimes she would laugh at some parts. Over the couple weeks she lived with him, she grew fond of him and soon she came out of the hiding spot her 'safe place' Lee was that now...and over the years they became two peas in a pod. Today was Clementine's birthday she was officially 10 now. She was still small but she knew she'd grow up sooner or later. Clementine slipped the picture back into her pocket and let out a small sigh. Lee heard this and chuckled a bit "You ok Sweetpea? what's the matter ?" He asked her as the girl looked at her care taker "Oh nothing Lee just excited for were we are going for my birthday." She smiled adjusting her signature baseball hat her father had given to her. Lee smiled as he drove, he was happy to see his little Sweetpea so happy for her birthday.

"Well birthday girl we will be there soon." He replied turning a corner now driving down a new street " Can you tell me where we are going though?" Clem asked looking out the window as she swung her feet since they were to short to reach the car floor. "Clem it's called a surprise for a reason honey" Lee chuckled as he stopped at a red light waiting for the cars to pass so the light could turn green again. While they waited the two made small talk to each other "Lee?" Clem called out to him causing man to hum in letting her know she had his full attention.

"I...I just wanted to say thank you for adopting me....and that I love you.." Clementine spoke softly causing Lee to stiffen a bit but he smiled brightly looking back at Clementine with a bright smile on his face " and I'm glad I adopted you too Sweetpea you are the best thing that could of happened to me....I love you too darling" Lee spoke causing Clementine to smile brightly at her adoptive father. Lee turned around to face the street waiting for the traffic to pass once more. That's one of the things Lee hated about driving long as red lights.  As they waited Clementine was so happy right now She had a new father that loved her , She was now 10 how could this day get any better?

That's when...the light turned green...Lee saw this and began driving but he didn't notice a speeding van that had an arguing family in it run their red light purely focused on their own yelling to see the incoming crash...Clem turned her gold eyes to see out her window. She saw it the speeding van coming right for them "LEE WATCH O-" it was to late the van crashed right into Their car. The impact was so hard it flipped their car at least three whole times clementine screamed balling herself up as the shards of glass hit her frail skin. The car stopped flipping and landed upside down...causing the girl to hit her head on the door of the car. Clem was losing focus, her vision blurry ...she couldn't see that well her small body ached when she tried to move. She could barely hear as well like water was stuck in her ears...

"L......ee....??" She called out to the man only to hear no response...She heard yelling as she felt the door to the car open someone unbuckled her from the seat and gently pulled her out. "L...ee....a..re you o...k?" She asked the figure above her thinking it was Lee but it wasn't it was a panicking Cuban male who was in the van that crashed into Lee's car. "Shit shit shit!! David did you call 911?!" He yelled to another man who was known as David. David nodded his head "ambulance is on the way I got the man out of the car but ...he's not looking to hot Javier" David replied looking at the man checking his injuries which horrible. David checked the man's pulse and found nothing. "Shit!" He shouted as he tried reviving the man,while the man now known as Javier who now held an heavily injured Clementine in his arms not daring to stand up yet he didn't want to hurt the child even more. a woman got out of the banged up car and helped two small children out of it checking for injuries. When she only found a few scratches, She told the kids to stay the small boy argued "But Kate!"  He interfered only for her  to shake her head "No Gabe stay with your  sister" She demanded as Gabe crossed his arms watching  Kate walk over to Javi.

When Kate got to the man she gasped tears welling up in her greenish eyes. A little girl covered in blood her curly hair a mess glass sticking out of her small body, a large gash on her forehead....gold eyes barely open...."Oh my god....oh my god Javi Wh....What the fuck have we done....." Kate whimpered looking at the injured girl. Javier didn't say a word he was zoned out a little girl was injured maybe dying...because of them....a stupid argument could of taken this family's lives..... As this went on Clementine could barely register what was happening...her head pounded like crazy and she felt so....sleepy.

She heard what sounded like sirens of a police car or ambulance and a voice talking to her "H....ey.....Hey ki...d! stay a...wa...ke ok! d...on...t f....all...sleep.... !!" She heard a man yell. Why couldn't she sleep? She didn't know all she knew now was that sleep sounded really good right now....so that's what she did....it was just a bad dream.....she would wake up In the car....Lee would be their and they would be having fun at the surprise place he was taking her for her birthday....Today....was...supposed to be...the best day...its...just a dream i'll wake up....i'll wake up...She kept telling herself letting herself drift off to sleep despite the man's yelling to her not to.....It's just a bad dream.....

(aaannnnd that's the first chapter!! let me know what you guys think of this new story! and let me know your ideas and if this should have a bit of Gabentine in it!! see you guyssss!!)

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