A day with a baseball player (part 1)

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After breakfast Kate took the dirty plates and cups to wash them of course Clementine wanted to help her, but Kate stated she got it but asked Clem could get Javi for her. The small girl just nodded her head and headed over to the male who was folding up blankets "um Mr.Javi..." Clem called out tugging his pajama pants a bit which caused the man to look down and smile at the girl. "Hey Clementine, need something?" He asked a kind look on his face. "Ms.Kate needs you..." She responded trying to sound polite. Javi smiled and ruffled her hair "no need to call us Mr and Ms ok? Not our style." he laughed which caused her to giggle quietly and smile some. "Thanks for telling me. Why don't you go play with Mari and Gabe? I'm sure they would want to get to know you better." He spoke as he pointed to their room. Clementine nodded her head and walked off their room. Javi smiled at her before he made his way to the kitchen.  "Hey Kate you uh needed me?" He asked the woman who was washing the dishes. Kate turned and smiled at him a bit but Javi could see the sadness and pain behind her green eyes. "Kate...what's wrong?" He asked his smile now a concerned frown.

Kate sighed and turned around to face Javier completely "David and I are heading to Clem's old house to get her things you know toys clothes....old pictures..." She spoke now looking down while Javi put a soft hand her shoulder he was feeling her pain too...everyone was..maybe even the kids...having to keep this dark secret from Clementine was hard....and lying about it wasn't helping either.....Thanks David. Kate looked up and gave the Cuban male a weak smile. "Anyway I was hoping you'd take the kids out for a little fun get their minds off you know...everything that's been happening...." Kate concluded. Javi thought for a moment and smiled "that's a good idea Kate, yeah I'll take em out have good old fun with Uncle Javi you can count on me Kate" He spoke causing Kate to smile at him "Thanks Javi...now hurry and tell the kids" she spoke smiling.

Javi just nodded "of course.." He spoke before he walkes off to his Niece and Nephew's room. As he walked he heard some laughter "haha! Gabe you cheated!" Clem's voice rang from behind the door "did not! Mari back me up on this!" Gabe's voice spoke as Javi heard Mari sigh. "Sorry bro you do cheat at this game..." She spoke. Javi laughed as he opened the door. "Hey kids, get dressed we are going out to have some fun today!" Javi cheered as the three children looked up at him in confusion "Oh ok cool uncle Javi! " Gabe smiled as Marianna looked over at Clem "Come on you can barrow some of my clothes ok?" She spoke causing Clem to smile and nod her head "Ok thanks Mari..." She spoke. Javi smiled at the two girls before he looked at Gabe and crossed his arms "Gabe go change in the bathroom let the ladies have their privacy." Javi spoke as Gabe gave a small grumble and nodded his head. The boy grabbed his clothes and headed out the room leaving Clem and Mari. Javi smiled again at the two hoping they would become good friends and closed the door leaving them to get dressed.

while Gabe was in the bathroom Javi grabbed his suitcase from the closet and grabbed a baseball shirt and some jeans. seeing no one around he walked into the livingroom and changed his shirt and pants. he put his pajamas in the suit case and shoved it back into the closet. The Cuban male fixed his hair a bit making sure it wasn't entirely to messy and slipped his socks and shoes on. Kate had walked into the living room and smiled at him "Hey ugly...I got some money for you so you can take the kids someplace special." She replied with a smile handing Javi a $100 dollar bill. Javi looked at her In shock as he looked at the amount of money she was giving him. "K-Kate....are you sure about this..? what about David... does he know..?" Javi asked as Kate rolled her eyes and chuckled taking his hand in hers and put the money in his open palm before closing. "Not if say anything to him about it." She winked playfully as she held his hand. Javi blushed darkly looking down at their hands. He shook his hand and took his hand out of hers and slipped the money into his pocket "Thanks Kate.." he replied giving her a smile, Kate smiled back and nodded "Of course Javi...." just then David walked into the living room with his keys and looked over at the two, "Kate lets go, we're taking my dad's car." was all he said before he walked outside "Well gotta go take the van and make sure the kids have fun Javi....especially Clementine..." Kate spoke looking at the girl's hat on the table. Javi frowned but nodded "I will Kate...don't worry. " He spoke as Kate nodded "see ya ugly" she teased before she left the house closing the door behind her.

Javi sighed and remembered their van was still in the shop but he perked up when he remembered Tripp gave them his number in case they needed a ride anywhere. Quickly hurrying to the kitchen he looked around and found the card on the refrigerator. he grabbed the house phone and dialed up the man's number hoping he could get a ride from him. Luck was on Javi's side today as the man picked up the phone. Javi explained what their plan was for the day and  Tripp seemed pretty ok with giving them a ride. He told Javi he would be there in a couple minutes and to be ready. Javi thanked him and called the kids to the living room hoping they would be ready which they were. Clem and Mari walked out of the bedroom dressed in casual wear Gabe dressed the same way. "Tripp's gonna pick us up and take us someplace special ok guys" Javi spoke as he watched the children smile in excitement "Awesome a day with Uncle Javi!" Mari cheered as Clem smiled up at him "I can't wait" was all the young girl spoke as Javi ruffled her hair. "I think you're missing something Clem" Javi spoke causing Clem to tilt her head in confusion.  "What?" she asked as Javi smiled and picked up her baseball cap from the table "Here" he spoke slipping it on her head. Clementine smiled brightly up at him "Thank you..." she spoke softly as Javi smiled down at her "Of course" he replied.

The sound of a car honk rang from outside and Javi knew it was Tripp

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The sound of a car honk rang from outside and Javi knew it was Tripp. Javi opened the door and let the kids out before he walked out himself. He closed the door and locked it. as he walked to Tripp's car the Cuban male had one thought on his mind let this be the most fun day for these kids....especially Clementine.....

(That Gif is SOOOOOO CUTE omg anyway hope you all enjoyed the story! this is part one of a day with the super cool Uncle Javi lollllll)) 

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