||chapter 20||- THE LAST STRAW

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Alex's POV

I woke up that morning feeling guilty for what I'd done, but it was for the best, we where gunna put Norman back in pine view if it was the last thing we did "Norman is dangerous we have to take pro caution"

"He's my brother, and I can't do that to Norman, even though i believe he's dangerous, and he shouldn't be out, it will brake norma,it will brake the both of you" Dylan looked down at the palms of his hands

"I know but if she's safe, I don't care"

"So what are you gunna do?" He sat closer

"Where gunna catch him being crazy, your mother is the best bate"

"Your not being serious?" He laughed a little

"Yeah Im serious" a serous look over took my face

"Mom will kill you, then kill me" 

"She will thank us later"

"I don't know, let me talk to her okay? Please" he leaned back and starred


"I'll let you know okay" he knocked down his hand on the table and left leaving the diner

Norma's POV
I was in the middle of making curtains when there was a slam to the door "Norman?"

"It's just me" Dylan said walking into the back room

"Oh god I thought you where Norman, why slam the door like that" I asked looking up at him

"Sorry" silence hit the room only hearing the sound of the sowing machine clicking "hey can I speak to you"

"Of course what is it" I turned off the machine as I brushed off the access wire

"It's about Norman...........he isn't we'll Norma, he needs professional help, help that you can't give him" I rolled my eyes and got up walking into the kitchen

"Stop it" I said angrily

"Norma don't walk away from me" he followed behind me

"I'm not walking away ,I'm pulling myself out of this conversations" I made myself a glass of water and starred out the window

"How can you not see what's going on around you, how can you ignore it" Dylan yelled

"Your being ridiculous, stop I want you to leave" I walked towards Dylan trying to pass him, but he grabbed my arms and shoved me against the wall

"STOP BEING SO SELFISH!!......please" 

"How am I being selfish, how, tell me Dylan how!!" I yelled back in his face

"Norman deserves a future mom, he deserves to be happy, a family, someone to love him, just get him help so he can have a chance, a chance to be happy, you of all people should know how it feels to want to be happy," I looked into his eyes as mine glazed over

"I want you to leave" I shoved his hands off me and walked towards the stairs

"You know what Alex was right" he headed for the door passing me

"What do you mean" I ran after him down the motel steps "Dylan, what do you mean"

"That man loves you so much, but hes doing the right thing"

"What do you mean "doing the right thing?...........DYLAN ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!"



"YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN A REAL MOTHER TO ME............look I know you've tried, I have too, but Norman is dangerous, and Alex he's finding a way to put Norman back into pineviwe he's doing-"

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