||-chapter 15-|| PINKY SWEAR

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Norma's POV
I woke up in my bed with arms wrapped around me........Wait.....arms
"Alex what are you doing in my bed"

"Huh...what.....Norma.....you asked me to" he sat up with a tiredness tone

"Oh.........well don't you have work"

"If you want me to leave you just have to say" he got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom slamming the door

"You don't have to slam door like a 6 year old" I shouted as I waited for his reply

the phone rang, i jamp out of bed and, i ran for the long stairs, there where letters pilling on the floor next to the front door...bills,bills,bills,bills.... "Hello norma bates speaking" i was still shoveling through the mail as i had the phone to my ear

"Hey norma.....its dylan"

"Pineviwe?" i splurred out as i held up a small yellow envelope


"Uh nothing.....how are you.....hows emma??" i smiled through the phone

"Im good shes good, the operation went really well......they think she can come home tuesday"

"Thats great news....im so happy....give her my love will you......and make sure to bring her round" i heard foot steps coming from the bathroom leading down the stairs "dylan i have to go....can you come by later?"

"Sure......i love you mom" he said as he hung up the phone

"Who was that?" alex said interrupting my concentration as i red the letter word by word

"Hmm?" i said looking up

"On the phone.....who was that" he said grabbing his coffee and sitting by the table

"Oh just dylan......not that its any of your buissness......i mean its not like your my actual husband that needs to know everything" i snapped leaning against the door frame

"Im going to work" he said getting up from his chair

"Yeah walk away......your good at that....you walked away from your wife and kid....and look where that got you!!!!" i looked at myself in the refelction in the window, "im sorry"

He walked out the door and didnt look back, his face hit the floor as the words spread out of my mouth,

Alexs POV

How could she say that? I told her that in confidence and now shes holding it agaisnt me? What is that?

I got into my SUV and reversed figuresly nearly running norma over
"Norma get out the way" tears left her eyes as she ran towards me, hugging me through the window of my truck

"Im sorry" she repeated "im just angry because i got a letter from pineviwe......normans requested to come home and......they acepted it.....hes gunna be home in 2 weeks.......and your just so nice.....why, i dont desserve it, i dont desserve anything.........have a good day at work" she let go of my hand walking up the stairs towards the house

"Norma" i said as i got out the truck walking up behind her "come here" i wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my chest

"He cant come home.....he isnt well enough" i hugged her a little tighter

"Come on" i said taking ahold of her hand

"Where are we going......im still in my pyjamas!" she said as she dried her mellow tears, i opened the suv door for her as she sat in quitely

"Take a chance misses romero" i laughed closing the door

We had been driving for about an hour and a half, the sun was beaming brighter than ever before,
"Where here" i jutted norma as she woke

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