Chapter Three: The Truth Shall Be Told.

Start from the beginning

Would Bella still accept me if she knew the truth? The truth about my family's secret, our connection to the supernatural as witches. It was a secret we had guarded for generations, passed down through whispers and rituals. Revealing it now felt like stepping into uncharted territory.

"Grams?" I ventured, breaking the silence. Her gaze met mine, and I felt a surge of apprehension wash over me. But as I voiced my thoughts, her response was unexpectedly gentle, devoid of the expected worry and concern.

"I was thinking," I paused briefly, connecting my gaze with her. "Maybe I should tell Bella about... about being a witch," I confessed, my words trailing off uncertainly. Grams' expression softened, her eyes filled with understanding and warmth as if she had been expecting this moment.

Grams placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her touch grounding me in her wisdom. "Honey, if you believe in your heart that Bella can keep our secret, then you should tell her," she reassured me, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "After all, your mother faced a similar dilemma." A nostalgic smile played on Grams' lips as she recounted the tale of my mother's revelation.

"She told Dad about being a witch," I murmured, the words lingering in the air like a delicate melody. Grams nodded, her eyes shimmering with fond recollection.

"I remember it like it was yesterday. Your mother, just like you, wrestled with the decision. But in the end, she chose to trust your father with her truth," Grams reminisced, her voice tinged with both joy and sadness. My heart ached with the weight of her memories.

"Thank you, Grams," I whispered, enveloping her in a tight embrace. In her arms, I found solace and strength, a reminder of the love that bound us together. Despite the pain of the past, Grams had always been my rock, preserving the memories of my parents with unwavering devotion. As I held her close, I knew that no matter what secrets lay hidden in our family's past, Grams would always be there to guide me with her boundless love and wisdom.


The day arrived, and it was time to put the bikes to the test. Bella steered the truck along the winding roads of La Push, the bikes securely strapped to the back. Jacob's demeanour seemed contemplative as he glanced between Bella and me.

"If I told you I couldn't have fixed these bikes, what would you have said?" Jacob's voice was soft, tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Bella arched an eyebrow, her gaze fixed on Jacob. "Are you doubting your mad skills?" she teased gently.

Jacob chuckled, but there was a trace of self-doubt in his expression. "No. Definitely not. I mean, they'll run fine. It's just," he allowed a chuckle to break up his words. "Maybe if I was smarter, I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit," he admitted, his tone subdued as he stared at his hands. I sensed the tension between them, the unspoken words hanging in the air. Bella searched for the right response, her eyes never leaving the road ahead.

"If you had told me you couldn't fix these bikes, I would say that's really too bad, but that we're just gonna have to find something else to do," Bella stated firmly, her resolve unwavering.

"Yeah, we would have figured something out," I chimed in, offering my support. Their laughter filled the truck, easing the tension that lingered. As we drove, Bella and I watched the scenery pass by, cliffs looming in the distance. Bella pointed out a familiar figure, and my gaze followed hers.

"Is that Sam Uley?" Bella exclaimed; her voice tinged with disbelief.

Jacob's response was tinged with irritation. "Yeah, him and his cult," he muttered, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding on the cliffs. One of his friends stepped closer to the cliff. But he was taking too long, so Sam and the others pushed the boy off.

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