He felt a twitch all of a sudden in his cock that was very unexpected and he breathed in slowly, unable to sort his thoughts coherently. Anthony quietly raised his hand to Ian's hair, softly stroking it in place, running his fingers through the strands and Ian breathed in steadily once again, staying perfectly still and allowing his friend to touch him.

"What... are you doing," Ian barely whispered, his eyes locked with Anthony's, who was staring at Ian's hair.

Anthony felt an overwhelming urge to continue stroking his hair, even after he had fixed the inconsistently out-of-place fringe. The soft feeling of the brown strands against the skin of his hand felt very pleasing to his senses and made him want to continue. He was close enough to smell his hair as well and its scent reminded him of childhood memories. He felt Ian shudder beneath him as he realized what he was doing was weird and probably making Ian uncomfortable, but Ian didn't seem to mind.

Anthony slowly pulled his hand away and now gazed in Ian's eyes, seeing a slew of nervous, yet curious emotions within them. "I'm..."

He readied an apology but stopped midway. "It's okay," Ian answered back softly. Ian's eyes fell to Anthony's lips and he felt a throb in his cock once again, flushing his face a deep red. "Um..."

Anthony's heart began to race suddenly at the sight of Ian's flushed face and he felt a nervous tingle within his stomach, as though it were doing backflips. He realized Ian's eyes were locked on his parted lips and licked them without realizing it. He noticed Ian's mouth open a little wider and he breathed in quietly at his action. Anthony felt his mouth go dry as he took a nervous step closer to Ian, who leaned in as well and gazed in his dark brown eyes.

Wordlessly, Ian's hands ghosted over Anthony's hips and the shorter man's face drew nearer. Anthony mimicked his actions, only he brushed his fingertips over Ian's lower back before settling onto it and pressing cautiously on it. Anthony watched as Ian's eyes slowly flickered shut as he drew near and he nervously drew closer as well, parting his lips and feeling Ian's hands begin to settle more onto his hips.

What happened next neither could explain. Ian's bottom lip was in between Anthony's lips, softly being massaged and pulled gently. Ian kissed back, his lips pressing tenderly against Anthony's and for a while both continued the light display of affection without interruption. Ian's hands slid behind Anthony more and Anthony allowed him to draw him in, pressing their bodies together and, as though a sudden switch were activated, enhancing the levels of arousal within the both of them. Anthony slipped his tongue past Ian's lips and the moment it met Ian's own tongue he moaned softly and urgently which set of a sudden twinge of arousal in Anthony's cock. The feeling was incredible and he wanted to do everything to enhance it, so as Anthony deeply kissed Ian, he gripped him closer and began moving his body against him, creating a friction that quickly sped up the blood flow to his blossoming erection. Ian let out a deep moan that sent a shiver of incitement throughout Anthony's body, forcing him to do what he could to make Ian utter that noise again.

Ian was feeling overwhelmed with feelings of excitement, pleasure, and desire. His libido was fully taking control of him and he let a hand wander down to Anthony's ass, gripping it as they both ground against each other in the kitchen. Anthony gripped Ian tightly at this and ran his hands across Ian's back, moaning urgently into their hot, passionate kisses. After a while they allowed themselves to break away from the kissing and Anthony breathed hotly on Ian's face as they continued grinding their torsos together, making Ian whimper loudly and tightly grip Anthony's ass with both hands.

"Let's go... to my bedroom," Anthony breathed hotly and Ian's reaction was imminent as they both rushed to the bedroom and began hastily stripping off their constrictive clothing. A fully nude Ian lay back on the sheets, bending his knees apart as Anthony mounted him, his naked body hovering over Ian's. Ian thought it was the sexiest he ever found Anthony and gasped in surprise as he felt his cock freely brush against Anthony's. Caution was thrown into the wind as Anthony's hand slipped down over to Ian's hardened cock. The sight of Ian's cock standing fully erect in front of him was too much for him to take in and he blushed furiously. Anthony's fingertips lightly grazed over the shaft and Ian writhed beneath him from just this simple touch. He then wrapped his fingers around the whole of Ian's length and began to pleasure him with simple strokes, keeping a steady rhythm going.

Ian gasped loudly, burying his face into Anthony's pillow and breathing in the thick scent of his partner as his cheeks burned red from arousal. His fingers coiled into a tight grip on the sheets and he then felt a different sensation as Anthony lay on him, pressing their erections together as he began to continue grind against him like in the scene from the kitchen. Anthony pressed against Ian and took the opportunity to kiss Ian's neck as his head was turned into the pillow, licking and kissing the scruff on his salty skin as they continued thrusting against each other vigorously. Ian moved his hands from the sheet to Anthony's thighs and he spread his legs wider to give him more space. The men both began to thrust quicker as the urge to reach climax seemed to become more and more urgent with each passing second and Ian suddenly cried out loudly, sending a streak of white over their torsos and hardened lengths. Anthony's hand dropped between them and rapidly began pumping himself as well as Ian's cock at the same time as Ian's body continued to jerk from the climax and release the hot, slick fluid into the air. Anthony groaned sharply as his climax had hit its peak, tightening within him and unleashing a sputtering stream of liquid on the both of them, mixing together with Ian's own seed and sweat. He collapsed next to Ian, both breathing heavily as they rode out the immensely elating feelings of satisfaction. Neither could speak, but when they turned their heads to look at each other all they could do was smile widely and lazily. They'd deal with all the bullshit later, but for now everything was perfect and the two of them were on top of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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