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They entered dramatically, drunkenly clashing against the door and table causing the keys to fly from Anthony's hand and glide across the floor past Pip, who pawed at them for just a moment. "Hi Pip! Daddy's home," he drunkenly slurred to the young Savannah who rubbed against the thin fabric of his skinny jeans. "Look at Pip! Look at my... my baby," he said to Ian he scooped him up off the floor and brought him close for his friend to admire.

"Dude, I've seen Pip, like, a million times," Ian exaggerated, grinning and stumbling past Anthony. "And you show me him on your phone... like..." he trailed off losing his train of thought and giggled, murmuring a curse randomly and wandering into the kitchen.

Pip jumped out of Anthony's arms and Anthony followed Ian into the kitchen, grinning widely like a doting parent. "Pip's-" He was cut off my Ian shushing him and suddenly standing in front of him.

"N-no more cat-Pip...Pip talk. I don't want a Pip talk!" He chuckled at his own drunken words and lightly shoved Anthony, giggling louder when the light force sent Anthony further back than he thought it would. "Dude!" He exclaimed, gripping Anthony's shirt and pulling him forward. "I barely tapped you."

Anthony laughed, his cheeks reddened with humorous laughter and pulled himself forward towards Ian, causing Ian to stumble back against the refrigerator, both in a fit of infectious laughter. "Fuck!" Anthony breathed out in between chortles and released the front of Ian's shirt. "I'm hungry." He pulled at the refrigerator door and Ian took a step back, murmuring back in agreement.

"Make some food." Ian leaned into the doorway with Anthony in a comical way, peering inside for something desirable to eat.

"Okay," Anthony replied. He closed the door and opened the freezer, pulling out a frozen pizza. "Pizza sound good?"

Ian nodded, eyeing the frozen organic pizza box and Anthony tore it open in the most ungraceful manner that Ian found to be really amusing in his drunken state. "Going all hulk on that box," he exclaimed and Anthony ripped the box even further, growling and throwing it on the kitchen floor.

"Oh shit I need the instructions," he quickly realized, falling to where he tossed the shredded cardboard and awkwardly standing up, stumbling over, but regaining his footing. Ian laughed at him and pulled him up to his feet.

"Dude, you are so fucking drunk right now." Anthony looked at him blankly and said nothing for a moment before his brain registered the words, then he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Am not."

Ian stood in front of him in a closer proximity than his sober self would allow, but at the moment he could barely care. "Are too!" He counter argued, knowing he was right. Then again, he knew he was just as wasted as Anthony in that moment. "Lookit... Look at me in th' eyes and say that you-" he jabbed his index finger against Anthony's chest, "are not drunk." Anthony kept his eyes affixed on Ian's finger repeatedly prodding his chest and giggled suddenly, amused by his bearded friend's action. He took hold of his finger with his hand and Ian tried to pull it away with a "Nooo!" making Anthony giggle and grasp his arm with both hands. "Stop," Ian lazily pled, but with no heart in the word, allowing Anthony to pull him along. "You're an idiot."

"Shut up, dog biscuit," Anthony grinned, finally letting him go. "I mean uh... dick biscuit."

Ian nearly keeled over with laughter and Anthony repeatedly asked him to "shut-up," grabbing at him, but Ian wriggled out of his grasp every time. "Fuck," he cursed and grabbed Ian's shoulder. Ian grabbed Anthony's hand as it was on his shoulder and looked at him, still grinning from the verbal mistake he had made. Anthony suddenly found himself fixated with a mass of Ian's hair that was out of place and for a moment he was contemplating on whether he should tell Ian or fix the out of place hair himself. He didn't realize he had grown quiet while debating this with himself and Ian's smile faded as Anthony just stood in front of him, staring at him with an unreadable expression. Ian's eyes studied Anthony's parted lips, moist, but pinkish and a little chapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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