"Let's move."

"Let's stop this nightmare ship."

We all split up; Cross and Drift, Hound and Bee, me and Hide. After a few minutes of silence Hide spoke up. "So, I know Melody's a great femmeling 'n all; but why are you so per'tective of her?" I shot him a dangerous look, "Don't get me wrong; I barely know the squirt 'n I'd lay my spark down for 'er... but." He vented and scanned the area. "I feel like there's more to it."

"There is..." I mumble and look around the passages. I really didn't want to talk about this. I know we'd have to tell Ironhide about it but I feel like Melody should do it. Or at least be present for the conversation.

"Does it 'ave somethin' ta do with not wanting to be like 'er sire?" Even though he asked it his voice gave away that he knew it did.

I vented, "It does. I really think Melody should be the one to tell you; or at least be present for the conversation but..." I vented and glanced over at him, "I suppose now would be an opportune moment to inform you of it." I jog down a hallway and quickly look around.

"Doc," He walked up to me and gave me this knowing look. "Stop stallin'."

I vented again, "To make a long and unpleasant story short she was abused." He stopped in his tracks and spun to face me. "Focus on the mission and listen or I won't elaborate!" I quickly scold.

"Ah- sorry I jus'." He goes back to looking around, "She seems so innocent 'n happy."

"She is innocent and happy. She has simply fought a battle she shouldn't have had to fight. Luckily, she tries not to let it control her."

"What happened?"

"She was beaten over trivial things. When I first met her I was badly wounded. My processor wasn't functioning properly and I let her help patch me up instead of being a good medic and questioning her injuries further." I check around the corners, "She had been beaten and kicked out for the night for speaking without permission."

He gasped, "The fragger!" He glared around the room, "That's no way to punish a sparkling!"

"That's merely the beginning. He had also starved her and deprived her of proper rights according to Crosshairs. He informed us that she was never allowed to buy her own things. Not even clothes."

"I swear to Primus, if it gets worse than that I'm going hunting."

I grumbled, "Unfortunately it does. The next day when she was allowed back he invited other mechs over and attempted to rape her."

He let out a low growl, "Her no good sire ain't gonna be breathin' much longer. I'm tracking that slagger down. Tha's no way to raise a sparkling. He should'a loved 'n cared for 'er jus' like any sire should."

"I agree full heartedly." I looked around, "And uh... if I do remember correctly. I'm old so maybe my processor didn't hear her right but.... I do believe she said she lived in Oklahoma." I shrugged with a 'hm.' Ironihde grinned at me and went to say something when the ship shook. "Someone fired the anchors."

He nodded in agreement, "That won't buy us much time though." He ran ahead of me and quickly checked each corner, "Come on."

We reached this big door and knew we had to get in. "Let me try." I walked up to the lock and started to try different lock picking techniques.

Pedsteps sounded off and I had to stop to ready my weapons. The bots rounded the corner only to be identified as Crosshairs, Drift, and Hound. "Where's Bee?" Hide asked lowering his cannons.

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