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"I love BON!!" You said as you ran to Bon.

You knew you loved the blue tomato. But something was wrong. Bon didn't reply back. Was he dead.


He had a MAJOR crush on you and he was going to tell you but he was too afraid.

"I LUV U 2!!" Bon said as he was kissing you like a million times.

The toys and Usagi Bon were happy.

"Bon stop!!" You laughed. Bon was tickling you.

It was actually cute watching Bon cuddle you.

Next year.....

"Hey!!" Bon said. He was so small! And it was 10 grade. You and Bon were in the same class, your lockers were together, and you have the same likes and dislikes (almost). You and Bon were the perfect couple.

"Your my favorite small bean! You know that?".......and you kissed him

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