Micha was aware that the thugs were looking at her, not with anything to accomplish, but with wariness. Micha knew why they were acting that way. There gaze seemed too say 'is she the enemy? Or just some Amature girl who knows how too to use the 3D maneuver gear?' Her eyes narrowed as she pushed back her shoulders. "Think I'm an ameture huh? I'll show you a pro" with great speed, Micha was facing the Thugs. A smirk played on her face as she winked. Micha squared her shoulders backward as she leaned back and dived backwards. Micha whooped as she free-falled for a second before spinning in the air like a Ballerina and leaning to the side and looping widely around the thugs.

"Yahoo!" She cheered out as she pivoted herself under the thugs. She put her feet forward and leaned backward as she zoomed under them and into a glassless window of a building. Feets behind her, The red-head Girl marvled At Micha's moves as the Asian girl disappeared in the window. "She's really fast!" She gasped in awe. She couldn't help herself, this girl, besides herself, seemed to be really advanced in the 3D maneuver gear. Levi scoffed. "Tch" he said as he kept going forward without saying anything.

"Should we worry about her Levi?" Questioned Farlan. The ashen blonde looked at the leader with steady eyes. Levi didn't look at Farlan nor Isabel "I don't know for certain. Just ignore her and keep focus and on the plan" his two Collegues nodded "Hi!" They said at the same time. Levi picked up speed as he soared above the buidling the girl had disappeared in. He couldn't help but feel that this job they were supposed to do was going to Fail Horribly. They were as good as dead.
Micha dodged and countered two of the Survey Corps swords. She spun and deflected them with boots with speed. This was not a fair fight. Micha couldn't get enough time to get her swords as Flagon and Mike kept coming at her. But Micha refused to give up as she made a move to get her swords off her back. "You won't Take me alive!" She said boldly as she took out her swords.

Micha gazed at her swords only for a second as she advanced on the two men with a battle cry. First, Micha went after Flagon, who was on her right. The man tried to bloke Micha's assaults but failed as the Asian girl kept coming at him with lightning speed. Micha cried out in effort as she slashed her blades across Flagon's Forearm. She heard the Satisfying tear of the cloth of the brown jacket he wore and his skin.

Flagon cried out in pain as he stumbled a little. Micha took this chance to attack him again. A smirk was splayed on Micha's face as she did a round house kick. Flagon had no time to adjust to what was happening to him as he felt the powerful kick from Micha's boot. Her foot hit him in the stomach and he was sent flying the two captured thugs of Isabel and Farlan. Mike gritted his teeth as he sized Micha up. How could she have beaten him?! He thought as he circled Micha. He knew now too not underestimate this girl. She was deadly. Micha kept her swords ready as she and Mike came to a stand off. "You make me laugh!" She said as she rolled to her side in a fast motion. Micha rolled up behind him as she cut her swords through the air and to Mike's neck.

But this time, Mike was ready as he spun around in time to Block Micha's blow. Micha hissed as she disengaged and slid under Mike's legs. Micha launched to her feet and made the move quick as she whirled in the air. Her foot hit mike square in the back. Mike cried out as he lost his footing for a second. Micha had hit Mike in a nerve spot in his back that would momentarly subdue him for only a few seconds. As Mike was in a shocked state, Micha made a quick glance at the Raven hair thug. The thug was fighting the commander of the Survey Corps, Erwin Smith. She pitied anyone who had to fight that bastard.

In a flash, Mike and Flagon recovered from her blows and were on her in seconds with there swords drawn. Micha whipped her head away from the thugs fight and focused on her own. She readied her blades. "Stand down Micha Ackerman! Your outnumbered!" Flagon yelled as he made a quick cut at Micha. Micha was able to deflect the blow, but her movements were a second to late. Flagon's right sword lashed across her forearm. She hissed in pain but have no look or care about the injury as she came at Flagon. But Mike was first to act as he came at Micha from behind.

But Micha wasn't filled as she Spun around and Blocked Mike's vicious blow. The impacts of both there swords sent sparks flying in the air. Micha felt the vibration of her force and his force vibrate through her limbs. But she didn't falter as she disengaged from him so she could fight Flagon. Who was coming at her from behind. "Bastards!" She hissed as she made an arc in the air. Her swords cut across Flagon's, but barely got them. She was growing tired. This wasn't good. But she didn't let her fear show as she disengaged from him and started to Back up.

Micha wanted to fight back, not loose to these two. She'd rather die. On her left, Isabel and Farlan stared in horror. Right then, Micha could see the two survey corps motive. They were trying to corner her, by throwing her into there commanders fight with the Raven hair thug. Micha tried to find a way too break away from there trap, but she saw none. She couldn't fly away, she had run out if gas. For a Flicker, Micha felt scared. Was this how she was going to die? Soon, Micha felt her back press against something warm and solid. She gasped as she whirled around to face whoever she bumped into.

Her tight grip on her swords faltered. Micha's coal black eyes met cold grey ones. Erwin and His comerades saw there chance to attack "Now!" Erwin ordered. Only did Micha see her mistake. In looking to see who she bumped into, By looking away from her Enemies, She had allowed them to advance on her. She cursed under her breath. Panic was fluttering at her heart, but she didn't let it show. Micha didn't give no glance at The Raven hair thug as she Charged The two men that were almost upon her. "No!" A deep voice yelled. Micha planned On ducking under there arms as they swung there blades and Stan them from behind, but a heavy Force Stopped her.

Micha was slammed to the ground and pinned quickly by a vice like grip. Her swords flew out of her hands and clattered two feet away from her. Micha looked up too see the Raven hair Thug. "Get off me!" Micha hissed as she tried to get out of the grip, but found she could not. She was weak from exhaustion and blood loss. Damn Earth, Damn buildings, Damn everything! Micha cursed in her head. "You Damn Idiot, did you think you could fight them on your own?!" Hissed the Raven hair thug in her ear Micha gave him a hard look. "I can do this myself!" Micha countered, but did no try and get out of his grip.

Micha already knew she couldn't. Micha watched helplessly as Levi glared at the three Survey Corps. "Stop" he said. Micha now realized that the Raven hair thug was litteraly crouched over her. Micha didn't like this one bit, but what could she do? She was weaponless. She had nothing to fight with and she was physically and mentally Exhausted. She hadn't slept in Four days, and hadn't eaten that much. Only drank water. Erwin and his men Stopped in the tracks. Erwin's bushy Eyebrows observed Micha and Levi and his Collegues.

He seemed to be in deep thoughts as his gaze rested on Micha "We came here to bring you to court to be executed Micha Ackerman" he said. Then he turned to the three Thugs. "And you attacking me abd my Collegues and stealing The 3D maneuver gear is crime" Micha glared as she snapped "What's your point?" Erwin's gaze turned back too her "I would like to Propose an offer to you four" he started. Mike's and Flagon's eyes narrowed in understanding "Erwin, Commander, You can't be--?" Flagon started but Mike shut him up.

"I would like you to join The Scout Regiments instead of raceing court trial and then death" Micha's eyes widened as she glared daggers at The Commander. "N--" she started, but the Raven hair Thug beat her to it. "Well take it" he said. His cold eyes narrowed. Micha and his colleagues gasped together in shock. "Levi-bro! You can't be serious?!" Isabel said as she looked at Farlan, who said nothing. Levi didn't look at anyone but Erwin. "We will Join the scout Regiments. Me, Isabel Magnolia, Farlan Church, And Micha Ackerman" Micha gave a skeptical look at the red-head Isabel. Levi-bro? Weird name.

Erwin seemed pleased with this answer as he looked at Levi. "Good" was all he said. And right when Micha passed out.

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