To fake or not to fake, that is the question

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I slept on the couch, snuggled in the blanket I had bought.

"Explain to me. Why did we do all that work so Maggie would sleep on the couch?" Nixon asked.

"How the hell should I know? It's not like I can read minds," Nash said.

"Should we wake her?" Noah asked.

"Yep," the brothers said.

Nathan pulled out an air horn and put it by my head. He pressed the button, causing me to scream and fall onto the floor. I shot them a glare. They smirked at me.

"What is wrong with you guys?"

"What's wrong with us? We should ask you. We put much work into that room, and you're sleeping on the couch," Nixon said. "So, enlighten us. Why are you here and not there?" He pointed upstairs.

I can't let them know that I was onto them.

I stood up. "I saw a spider."

"A spider?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, it was big and hairy. Did I mention big?"

"Fine. Someone will kill the little bugger. Then you can sleep in your room," Nash said. "Kill the spider, Noah."

"Why do I have to do it?"

"Because I said so."

"Fine, but the next one, Nixon gets." Noah stomped out of the room.

Well, shit. That didn't go as planned. I prayed the Gods would take mercy on me. Then a scream erupted with Noah flying down the stairs.

"Yeah, no. That was one big ass spider." He looked like he saw a ghost.

And the Gods have answered my prayers.

"It can't be that bad," Nathan said.

"Then, you kill it!" Noah said.

"Fine, I will, you pansy." Nathan headed upstairs.

We waited until he came flying down the stairs.

"Screw that! That thing is mammoth!" Nathan said.

"I can't believe you two are afraid of a little spider." Nixon took care of what they couldn't upstairs. A minute later, he came barreling down the stairs, tripping. "Yeah, not going to happen."

"Are you serious?" Nash asked.

"Yeah, I am. I don't know how it got there. But it needs to go back." He pointed with a head turn.

Nolan was the next one, and he was as bad. "Nope, nope, nope."

Nash headed upstairs to investigate. "Someone, get me a bat!"

How giant was this spider? I checked for myself, trudging upstairs. They followed me. I glanced at the hairy thing, then flew out of the room.

"That thing is gigantic!" I hid behind Nixon, who pushed me in front of him. I swear to God that these guys were absurd. I'll get eaten by a spider, and they'll stand there and watch.

The six of us stood in the hall. We argued about who would kill the stupid spider. Pat walked by us, took a shoe, and whacked the spider twice. We stopped.

She walked by us. "All this commotion over a little spider." She shook her head and laughed.

We stood there. What happened? We got shown up by Pat. That's what happened. When I asked the Gods to send me a spider, Big Bob from Arachnophobia was not what I meant. Now I didn't want to sleep in the room. Period.

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