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Leena's pov
Lex, Kayla, Tanya, Clara, and I were at our house with nothing to do. We had ordered Chinese food but had ate it all. Clara was on my bed strolling through her phone. Kayla was next to her doing Clara's hair. Lex and Tanya were writing some lyrics.
Hi I'm Leena Grey. I'm 16 years old and I'm in a band named 'We Did'. We have been a Band for 6 months now, and have done a lot for our fans. We thought maybe taking this day off would be nice but we are bored out of our minds.
"Wanna take photos" Kayla says up finishing Clara hair.
"But we told Angie that we would let her take the day off too tho" Lex said. Angie is our Photographer. She's amazing. The pictures always turn out amazing.
"I mean we could call her and see what's she's up too" I said sitting up from an uncomfortable spot.
"Alright.." Clara said while dialing Angie's number
"Hello?" Angie said through the phone
"Hey ang. What you doing today?" Clara ask
"Bored out of my mind, why what's up?" She said
"Well we are bored too and we are wondering if you wanna take pictures?" Clara ask
"Yea sure" Angie replied. I look over to Tanya with a bag of chips in her hand and trying to eat it as quiet as possible. I laugh as I went over to the phone
"Be there in 20!" I screamed through the phone.
"Geez Leena!" Kayla said hitting my shoulder
I chuckled and went over to my closet. They all left my room going into theirs and changing. I changed into black ripped skinny jeans with a black tank top and I wrapped a red flannel around my waste. My hair was already in 2 braids and I wore my black vans. I headed downstairs and waited for the others

5 Minuets later

The girls came downstairs all looking cute. We headed out to Angie's house. Her house wasn't far from ours so we walked. We arrived at her house and she was outside ready with her camera. We all got into her car
"Rooftop? Angie asked
"Yea sure" we all said
Once we arrived at the rooftop area where we were taking our pictures. We climbed up the ladders. The sunset was so beautiful. The sky, the view. It was so pretty
We were all in awh as we just stood there and stared at the view.
"Alright, if we wanna get the sunset we have to take pictures now" 

We got about 7 pictures then these group of boys came up the ladders. We all stood looking at them. It was 6 of them, one with a camera so I'm guessing he was the photographer. They looked over to us and smiled then walked over to the other side of the rooftop. We took a couple more pictures then it slowly became dark. It was 7:30pm. Us girls sat on the edge of the roof. The boys were now singing. They harmonize. I was amazed. 
Kayla being the brave one got up and walked over to them.
She talked to them but I couldn't hear what she was saying.


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