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Jungkook had now concluded that he had never ran so fast in his life.

He must've looked like some crazy foreigner - running around whipping his head left and right in search of any cafes.

And Jimin didn't even have the heart to stop him because he'd never seen the boy so happy in his life, and it actually made him feel happy.

Jungkook's heart was pounding so hard in his chest that he could hear it in his ears, the sound reverberating throughout his whole body as he finally located the Spring Cafe.

Looking back at Jimin one last time, Jungkook sprinted off, leaving his suitcase in the middle of the busy street for Jimin to take care of - not that the latter mattered.

Jimin quickly sent Taehyung a text saying that Jungkook was coming and the five boys in the cafe scooted out awkwardly just as they saw Jungkook approaching.

"Oh my God..." Hoseok clasped a hand over his mouth as he gasped, and Taehyung didn't even think twice before tearing through the others and sprinting towards Jungkook.

Every step felt as if he was treading through quicksand, but he didn't stop, even when Jungkook was right in front of him.

Jungkook didn't stop either, and he only did when he lurched forward and wrapped his arms so tightly around Taehyung's neck that the older thought he would stumble over.

However, he managed to withhold his balance long enough to hug Jungkook back just as tight, arms wrapped securely around the younger's waist as he squeezed the life out of him.

Taehyung immediately felt Jungkook's tears soak through the fabric of his shirt, almost silently begging him to hold the boy tighter - which he did.

God, he'd never hugged anybody tighter.

And Taehyung was more than surprised to feel tears of his own prick the corners of his eyes, as he never cried - not in public anyway.

Taehyung saw Jimin over Jungkook's shoulder and did his best to smile at him while he was crying, and he noticed Jimin bringing his hand up to his face to wipe away his own tears.

Jungkook's legs began to quake beneath him, and Taehyung was soothingly lowering them both to the ground, shushing Jungkook's loud sobs with his soft, deep voice.

"God, Kook..." He mumbled into his hair, voice nearly cracking from his own tears. "You're so-"

Taehyung was cut off when Jungkook suddenly fell on top of him, and it was at that moment that Taehyung decided he didn't care about what the people around them were thinking, but about what he was thinking.

'I love this kid,' was what he was thinking. 'I love him so much.'

And it wasn't even a joke.

Taehyung was in love.

More so than he had ever been before.


yikes this was rushed but i cba to redo it sorry 

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