I got tagged. What fun.

17 0 7

I got tagged by Kati_thesassydragon

The rules:
Post 5 facts about yourself
Tag the person who tagged you
Tag as many people as you want

Cool right?

1. I have hazel eyes. My parents have brown eyes. I dont know how I have hazel eyes.

2. I dont listen to regular music. I listen to Broadway soundtracks.

3. I live in New York.

4. I am on my school's swim team WHOOP WHOOP

5. Someone called me a roach. Im not offended by the fact that I was called a roach, im offended by the fact that the person who called me this, couldn't think of a better insult.

So yeah.
That's it.
Im gonna tag one person cause I can.


Peace ✌

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