Car Accident

23 1 1

What the actual heck just happened.

So my family, which is my mom, dad, older brother and myself. We were driving home from the store, on the highway, when suddenly a white car got too close to a red car in front of us.

The red car swerved to the right and the white car swerved to the left. They both came back at the middle and the red car swerved again. My dad had to swerve and brake in order not to hit the red car.

The white car turned and braked. Then the red car realized it almost hit our car and turned just as the white car turned.

The red car hit the bumper of the white car and tore it off.

There was smoke everywhere, and all you could smell was burning rubber.

I don't think anyone was injured and my mom called the police.

I'm still shaking from this experience and I don't think I will be able to sleep.

Night everyone

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