Ch 4:The 1st duel,the 1st defeat

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-Enjoying the view Harry?It's great,
isn't it?"

A cold voice interrupted whatever Harry could be thinking of at the
moment,gazing at the horizon from the astronomy tower-he needed a place to tame his anger,so to excuse those prejudiced bastards until the next class.
He turned around to see his arch nemesis bearing an infuriating smirk.Harry groaned.It was only the first day here.The first!!!How am I gonna to survive this for at least
five months!!He will figure out everything..probably at the fifth day!
If I'm lucky,that is.

He tried to calm himself and then looked back at the sun,admiring the golden and pink colours of the sky.He smiled,he had to relax.He wasn't in danger.At least,not yet.

-Yeah,maybe one of the five good  things about this place."He answered.

Riddle came beside him and looked into the sunset.Then he turned around and faced him with a calm expression on his face.

-Really?And where exactly am I?"He asked pleasantly,lifting an eyebrow.

Harry pretended to be thinking for a few seconds before cracking a warm smile despite all his will power to remain serious.

-You are at the top of my list with the ten worse things in here,as you have already understood I imagine,but don't worry-you have quite an honourable place."

He didn't know why he was so comfortable speaking with Riddle.
Maybe because he was funny and serious and cunning altogether.
Those qualities made him interesting
and mysterious,something that made people wanted to figure him out.That's how he stayed in control all these years.
Or maybe it was the fact that when he was with Harry,he could finally drop off the mask of charm and be himself.
Mostly 'cause he knew Harry's unlimited knowledge of him-the real him-.Cause Harry wouldn't be surprised or shocked.Cause he already knew with whom he was dealing with.
He would just accept him the way he was.And that was exactly why Riddle craved his company.Even if this is only the first afternoon that Harry's here.

-You're braking my heart right now.Do you know?"Tom teased and Harry just shook his head.

-I'm sure you'll survive."He kept staring at the golden and pink sun.

Tom smirked.

-No.I won't.My pride is wounded.
You know.."He said."most people
here would say I'm the best thing
about Hogwarts."

Harry made a grimace of disapproval.
Seriously,what does he think he is,a kind of a God?Merlin,so arrogant!

-Most people here are stupid and small minded."He turned around to give him a cold look but instead of getting angry at him for his ignorance Tom just nodded.

-I agree.Sometimes I'm wondering whether I'm living in a world of codfish instead of people."

Wow,calm down genius!You're not the only one clever around!For now..

-Sometimes?"Now Harry looked
him in the eye,an eyebrow raised,
an expression full of disbelief
-and a little touch of sarcasm.

-Like..twenty times a day....or more."
The Dark-Lord-to-be cast him a real,
dashing smile-if that's even humanly possible for a Dark Lord.Harry wanted to slap himself for even thinking Tom Riddle as human.

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