|Saihara Shuichi x SelfHarming!Reader| Don't go (requested)

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Requested by: LollyLin (sorry if this wasn't you were expecting)



Everyone watched in terror as the pianist got executed, why did it have to be her? Shock washed everyone before a voice called out to (F/N), startling everyone in the room.

"This is all your fault, (F/N)! If you hadn't accused Kaede, she would've still been alive!" She looked at the speaker, not believing what they had just said. Everyone around her seemed to agree with them, starting to blame her for the death of the pianist, even though she had nothing to do with it.

"Why did you all start blaming (F/N) for it?! She didn't even accuse her!" Saihara yelled, trying to defend herself the best he could, only for his defensive statement to be washed away in the sea of insults that were being thrown at the threatened female. (F/N) froze in her spot, her bangs covering the majority of her face as she stared down at the ground, clenching her fist.

"Look! She's even excepting it!"
"I bet she wanted Kaede dead in the first place."
"Is she crying?"

(F/N) took in a sharp inhale, hearing the last comment. She bolted out of the room, not wanting to hear any more of their talking, she felt the stares of the survivors as she ran out of the room, making her way towards her bedroom as she couldn't handle the attention that was brought upon her. Saihara was about to run after her, only to be held back by some of the remaining survivors.

"Don't go after her, she isn't worth it, Saihara." They said, giving him a serious face. He shook his head, disagreeing with them as he tried to escape from their grip.

"Let me go!" He yelled, wanting to go after her, wanting to show everyone that it wasn't her fault. (F/N) fell to her knees, her back leaning against the entrance of her room as she let the tears run down her cheeks as the words kept repeating in her head.


Saihara pressed the button to ring the doorbell to (F/N)s room, hoping that she would open up. He furrowed his brows as he didn't see the door being opened, he rung the doorbell a couple more times before leaving, realising that he might've been annoying her. He sighed, turning his back against the door before leaving until he heard the door slowly creaking open behind him.

"(F/N)--?" He was cut off as he saw the shaky figure of the female, noticing that she had gotten skinnier from the last time he had seen her. He quickly ran towards her, gently pushing her back into her room as he looked at her, examining her body, mentally taking notes of what had changed about her. He moved his eyes towards her wrist, noticing small lines of red running across her arm. "Have... Have you been cutting?" He asked nervously, making his way towards her, grabbing her arm softly, treating her arms with caution, not wanting to hurt her in the smallest way.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, placing her head on his shoulder. He held her in his arms, stroking her hair, whispering words of comfort to her.

"Just, please... Don't do anything too brutal to yourself."

~Bad Ending~

"A body has been discovered!" 

The announcement went off, warning everyone who wasn't at the crime scene. Hearing a scream go off in the distance, everyone ran towards one of the rooms, seeing the body hanging by a rope. Saihara widens his eyes at the sight, recognizing the body that was hanging by the neck, (hair colour) covering their face as their head hung low. 

"Is that... (F/N)...?!" He exclaimed shocked as he looked at everyone in the room, seeing their reaction. They all seemed shocked, some of them were freaked out by the lifeless body in front of them. 

The investigation started, only for their time period to end slightly quicker than before. Everyone made their way towards the debate room, starting to accuse one another, talking about all the evidence that everyone had collected, including with people and their alibi. Saihara stood at his podium, listening to everyone's words carefully as he tried to figure out the culprit.

"Hold on..." The dark blue haired male said, interrupting the debate that was going on. Everyone turned their attention to him, waiting for the detective to speak. "If there is no sort of evidence that leads to anyone, it could've been a suicide attempt." He said, shocking everyone.

"When you actually think about it... If the incident had happened during the morning and everyone had an alibi, it could've been a suicide attempt." Kirumi said. 

The debate went on before it was cut to the end, everyone believed that it was a suicide. Monokuma and the monokubs walked up to the group, telling them that they were safe for this class trail and for that trail only. Saihara looked at the survivors before speaking up, wanting to voice his opinion that has been on his mind throughout the entire trail.

"This was all your fault." He said, staring down at them all. "If only if you guys hadn't started to falsely accuse her of Kaede's death and starting threatening her whenever you guys saw her, she wouldn't be dead at this moment! If I'm going to be truthful here, all of you were the murderer of (F/N). You guys shouldn't have said anything!"

~Good Ending~

Saihara stayed in his bed, staring up at the ceiling as he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen the next day. He closed his eyes, trying to force himself to sleep, wanting to get rid of the feeling. By the time he had drifted off to sleep, the sound of the monokubs morning announcement went off, annoying him greatly. He pushed himself up from his bed, getting ready for the morning before walking out of his room, wanting to find out why he had been having this feeling.

He looked at the door that leads to the room of (F/N). He pursed his lips into a straight line as he made his way towards her room, placing his hand on the door handle, not thinking of ringing the doorbell. He pushed the door open, being surprised that it wasn't locked. 

What had shocked him to most was the sound of a stool hitting the floor, he looked up seeing the female squirming around as she dangled by the rope that was tied around her neck. He quickly looked around, seeing a sharp pocket knife on the floor, he hurriedly picked it up, bringing the stool back onto its legs and stood on it, trying to cut the rope as quick as possible.  

(F/N) glanced at the male before feeling herself fall to the fall, landing on the floor, catching her breath. Saihara chucked the pocket knife across the room, holding onto her tightly as if she was going to do it again if he had let her go. Warm liquids ran down his cheeks, falling onto her shirt as he buried his face on her shoulder. She closed her eyes tightly, feeling the tears building up in her eyes, she wrapped her arms around the male, letting out a muffled sob as she tried to communicate to him, wanting to apologise to him.

"No... Don't say anything. You're safe with me now, please don't do anything like that to yourself ever again! I should've done more to help you, I'm so sorry... Just, please don't leave me here alone in despair!"



Count of Requests: 24

Coming up Next!:

|Gonta Gokuhara x Designer!Reader: Inspiration| (requested)

|Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader: Verboten| (requested)

|Kiyotaka Ishimaru x Yandere!Male!Reader: Aegis| (requested)

|Izuru Kamakura x Reader: Grasp| (requested)

|Chihiro Fujisaki x Sister!Reader: Why?!| (requested)

|Nagito Komaeda x Reader: Peril| (requested)

|Izuru Kamakura x UltimateDespair!Reader: Despondency| (requested)

Requests are closed and will be for a while!


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