Chapter 16: It's Just Like That Time

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He turns behind him to a figure I had never noticed until now. "Go." And with that command I watched as the figure ran as fast as anything towards them. Her long hair flowing behind her as she swiftly attacks and in few seconds they were dead. She walked towards us and I noticed she was shorter than me. Her face had splatters of blood and I couldn't help but reach out towards the crimson liquid.

I almost touched her when she spoke and I flinched, "Aren't you afraid?" I look into her eyes which would've looked great if she was smiling. They were dark and I was sure mine looked the same. "No." I answered as I wipe the blood off her face and she stares at my fingers which now carried the ruby red liquid. She shifts her eyes back to mine and holds out her hand, "Phantom."

To be continued...

"OO9?" I blink my eyes, bringing me back to reality. I immediately turned my attention to Takahiro, "2bullet? You alright?" He struggles to stand and I immediately supported him. "I got knocked out with acupuncture." He groans in pain as he blinks slowly, trying to get his focus back.

"Compared to me I think you're fine. I got knocked out by a bat." He releases his hold on me and I do the same and he stood, slightly wobbly but standing. "Okay?" He nods at me and I drop the subject. 

"Like I said, I'll pay you when you get me those jewels! I have everything under control! You just need to do as I say and we'll both get what we want!" Something was thrown into the wall and it clatters with sounds of glass shattering. I'm assuming he threw his phone. "Who's that?" Takahiro glares at him whom was now approaching us. I was glad Takahiro was hostile, made things easier. "An enemy. One I really detest." 

The wall behind us suddenly collapses and out of reflex, Takahiro and I crouched down as pieces of metal fell and crumbled. When the dust cleared I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Iris. "This is just like that time." I whisper under my breath. "What?" Takahiro asks and I just shake my head, "Nothing, let's get the other 2 out of here." 

Suddenly the wall in front of us slides open and he stepped in, "Where do you think you're going Genevieve? We're not done talking." I slip my hand under Tricia's left arm and put my right arm around her waist as I started to help the unconscious girl. "There was nothing to talk about in the first place." I carried Tricia towards Iris and stood behind her. "Go." At her command, a figure rushes forward and started fist fighting my detested enemy.

"Let's go while he's distracted." Iris puts Katherine's arm around her neck and used her other hand to support Katherine by her side. Together we quickly helped Tricia and Katherine out of the hotel whilst Takahiro quickly gathered up our weapons. "I've already contacted head quarters, this mission was a semi-success." I raise a brow at Iris, "Why semi?" She quickly explains to me as we made our way down the stairs.

"I didn't obtain what we came for but I know where they are and when the research department comes, I'll be joining them." After several difficulties, we finally made it to the car that Iris had called for. I wipe the sweat off my brow as I felt the air con in the car blast at me. "Let's go." I can only nod as I knew the fight with him wasn't over yet.

When we arrived at headquarters, we first moved Katherine and Tricia to the hospital floor while Takahiro went ahead to report to Ed. I couldn't help but run my hands through my hair, it's my fault they got inju-"If you think it's your fault, you're wrong." I look up at Iris as she watched the nurses quickly attend to all of us.

A nurse wraps some bandage around my head as she examines my wound. "But he's, he's," I felt my throat turn dry. Iris holds me by the shoulders, "He. Is no longer. Part of you. You. Are not. Part. Of him." Iris emphasizes each part of her sentences. I blink away tears I never knew I was shedding and she uses her sleeve to dry my eyes.

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