Chapter 8: You're One Of Us

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It was once again one of those nights, working past 10 and having to need to attend school the next morning. After the plan was talked out and discussed, everyone was in their positions. They targeted Warehouse 3 first. They were outnumbered by 5 but it didn't matter.

Phrase 1 was that Flame and Beast were to take care of the 4 at the front and Rock, the 3 on the roof. Once they're knocked out, everyone will rush in to the top of the roof. That's how they'll infiltrate.



Sigh, I never had to work overtime back in London unless I get paid extra. I thought as I creep up with Beast from behind. We were taking either side of the warehouse. By Phantom's signal, we'll tackle them down and get them unconscious. I get my spray cans out and popped off their caps. And I don't mean ordinary paint spray cans, these are gas spray cans. Trust me when I say you don't wanna smell them. Phantom gave us the signal and we charged forward. Our steps were silent but I wasn't careful, I kicked one of the covers that I popped a moment ago. The 4 guards turned and started shooting at the intruder, me. But this gave Beast the advantage. He struck, from the back. As I dodged the bullets to get nearer, Beast was having a punch fight with two of the guards, it seems he's broke their guns as I stare at the two guns lying on the floor that were in half. This is why nobody offends him, he's crazy strong.

As soon as I was an arm's length away, I pointed my can at the two targeting me. I held my finger down, gas started to spritz out like rapidly from the nozzle. It blinded them and had them choking for air. I took this chance. I punched the guy in the stomach and kicked him to the floor. Final blow before unconsciousness, I elbowed him down, hard. I was about to turn to check on Beast when I got hit from behind. I totally forgot about the other guard. As I endured the pain in my head, I side kicked the guard down and punched him continuously but in the midst he suddenly punched me back, hard. I spat out the blood and glared at him. He trembles under me and with a final blow, I punched down heavily. He most probably would end up with bruises and a broken cheekbone. I could still taste my blood on my tongue.

I turned towards Beast and noticed he was trapped in an arm lock. I was about to rush forward to help but Beast shook his head at me. He flipped the guy over from the back. He now lay back-down on the stone ground. "Urgh!" Beast must've used a lot of strength as the guard didn't get up, he just layed there, most probably had his head hit. I signaled to Phantom that we were done and that we're gonna clean up the "trash". Phantom signaled to Rock who was awaiting his turn. He was stationed at the top of Warehouse 17's roof which was just behind Warehouse 2. Once Phantom had signaled Rock and he had made his move, I started clearing up with Beast. I picked up the two covers, I need to be more careful with these. Beast tied up the four guards together and had them sat by the side of the warehouse. I started picking the lock on the door, this has been quite an eventful night...


I peek out of my hiding spot, the three of them are just standing right there! I could pounce on them, but I chose to--no had to, wait a little bit longer for Phantom's signal. Did I mention I'm not a patient person? As I toyed with my slingshot, Phantom suddenly gave me the signal. I immediately sprang. Finally some action! I'll be honest my leg was cramping.

I think I gotta lose some weight because the minute I landed on the metal roof, it created a huge noise. "Hey! Keep it down up there! We're trying to count here!" Someone shouted from below. "Well excuse you! Unlike you sitting pretty counting them cash, we got some intru-" I immediately punched the one that was about to leak us. He fell on his back which again created the loud noise. "Hey!!" Someone shouted from below again. Tsk. I clicked my tongue, I got to bring the other two down without anymore noise. "Come with me, we're going for a ride." I immediately grab the other two by their collars and I grappled hook to another roof. Surprisingly they clung to me for dear life. "What's wrong? Scared of heights?" I laugh with amusement. I kick their guns away which resulted for them to drop down to the ground. Both guards were literally begging me to let them down. "You sure? It's a high way up." I say as I grappled hook to another roof. Whilst I was swinging these two away, I already knew that the rest have moved in.

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