Chapter 12: Oh Yeah, Almost Forgot

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Click. Flinch. Click. Flinch. Click. Tricia couldn't take it anymore. "Can't you type quietly?" asks Tricia to Takahiro in an annoyed tone. "No." He says as he continues clicking on his keyboard. "Here." Katherine passes one side of her earphones to Tricia. "Thanks." Tricia thanks her before taking it and going back to looking out the window. They were currently sitting in a 7 seater car with Iris and Jennifer in the middle row and Takahiro, Katherine and Tricia in the back. Iris was so deep in thought whilst twirling her dagger she didn't notice Jennifer calling her until she pat her shoulder. "Iris!" Iris turned to see she had accidentally directed her dagger at Jennifer which she had luckily dodged. Her mind was somewhere but not her instincts.

"Iris, the plan?" Jennifer asks, slowly pushing the dagger away from her. "Oh right. Guys, we'll be dropped about 500 meters away from the old airport in the nearby forest. The plan is we go in undercover as hostages." Everyone's face twisted in confusion. "Don't give me that look, let me explain. We go in as hostages and our kidnapper brings us to the airport to "kill us". That's our cover. The men will notice and have all 6 of us including the kidnapper as their "kill-spree" witnesses. When they leave to continue their unloading, that's when we'll strike." Iris opens up a piece of paper which had the airport's blueprints printed on it.

"And who exactly is our kidnapper?" Katherine asks with a raised eyebrow. Iris smirks, "I got that planned out." Katherine sighs in defeat, "You never run out of things to do." Iris holds up a peace sign, "Fun things to do." She turns to Jennifer, "You were the one that gave me an idea because as I recall you said the mission looked boring. How do you like my changes?" She grins. Jennifer shakes her head, "You and your ideas." Iris elbows her, "Fun ideas."

Soon they arrived at their destination which was dense with trees. "Mother Nature's definitely done some serious work around here." Katherine says as she observes how tall the trees were. "Where is he?" Iris mutters as she looked around.


Damn that old man, there's hundred of trees here. By the trees? What kind of joke is that. I take out the torch and compass I packed and flashed the light 3 times in each direction. I did this for some time before I saw a shadow in the north. I flashed in the north again and the shadow came nearer. There he is. "Iris, what are you doing?" Katherine asks as she eyes the torch. "Finding our kidnapper." I say simply. I kept flashing and every time the shadow came nearer. I did this until I could make out a body walking towards us. I flip the switch and toss my torch into my bag.

"Hey Ranger." I greet our mystery man as he gives me a weird look. "And why do you know my name?" I shrug and toss him a gun which he catches before it came into contact with his head. "He told me my job awaits me here and all I get is this?" Ranger waves the Gyrojet at me. "Yes." I say as I toss Tricia her AK-47 and Katherine her Remington 700 from the trunk of the car. "Wow, when was the last time I used this?" Tricia asks no one in particular as she inspects it. "I took the courtesy to polish it for you when I was loading the trunk." Jennifer says as she hooks her belts on her thighs under her skirt. She sticks her Glock 26 Kuro and Shiro into the gun holders before checking her AS50 is in ready condition. "Are you trying to make me jealous here?" Ranger asks as he inspects the slightly rusty Gyrojet.

"Who knows." I say as I hook my belt around my waist, under my shirt. I slot a different blade in each holder. I did the same on both shoulders and ankles. I stare at my sword and Tricia's katanas in the trunk, I don't think we can use those. I close the trunk. "Tricia," I call her over to me, "We'll be needing guns on this one and since we're sword users we're going to need to snitch some." I quickly inform her and she gives me a nod. "Okay, is everybody ready?" I asks. Once I got everybody's approval we moved out.



"Here." My mystery employer hands me a fake I.D and a disposable phone. "Now that I think about it, you haven't given me your name." I say with a raised brow. She hesitated for a moment, "He didn't tell you?" I shake my head as I stuffed the items she gave me in my jacket. "Wow, sucks to be his employee." She retorts before introducing herself and her team. Iris? Isn't that the name that's been going around lately at HQ? But before I get a chance to ask I was pulled into action, literally. I stumble as I get my balance back. The 5 of them scream in "horror" as they landed on the ground. To me it was obvious they faked it and they were perfectly fine but by the angle the men were looking at, it was as if I pushed them. I quickly acted my role too.

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