'N' Awesome Day!

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Hey guys! I'm so excited for this chapter! I came up with this chapter when I was writing the second chapter! So I'm finally here! Also, the last chapter I was able to write in two weeks! I guess writing every morning on the way to school on the bus is productive oh, and on the way home. In the afternoon I have like an hour bus ride, but hey I get to write! Anyway, I won't hold you if you read this! Hmm, if you read this authors note, comment Acnologia. Anyway, ONWARD!


There was the sound of gun shots, and laughter. It was pitch black, but two eyes opened, the face they belong to not visible. One was blood red, the other was cerulean blue. (Yes I know he doesn't have a red eye, he has that weird red orangey glass thing, now shush.) The chuckling returned, growing into harsh laughter. Suddenly there was the sound of shattered glass, followed by a scream. Definitely female. No, it was hers.

Suddenly May woke up, and shot up, sitting in her bed with her covers bunched at her waist. She was panting, and sweating a little bit. May checked her clock. 30 minutes to her alarm. She might as well get up.

She thought back to Friday afternoon. She was going to get it from Leaf, but that little hangout with Drew was great. She wanted to say date, but she internally kicked herself. She did want to see him again. They also had hung out yesterday at the park. He had actually texted her and asked her to hang out, which she was surprised about. She slipped on her outfit. Her usual. She pulled her hair up in her bandana.


. . .


"I told you to kill Emily! Not marry her! Matthew you know better!" A man roared.

"You must pay the price!" The man threatened.

"Dad! Please! I don't want to be a part of your stupid "Family Business" anymore!" Matthew said.

"Fine then," The man said before pulling out a gun, and pulling the trigger. The bullet shot from the gun and right into his left chest area. Matthew feel limp to the floor.

"MATT!" A voice screamed. A girl was tied to a chair.

"Now for you!" He said, pulling the gun on her. He shot her too, in the same spot...

Drew was nudged awake by his absol. He had slept a couple minutes passed his alarm, which was still going off, and flashing numbers. He quickly turned it off and got up. he slipped on a black t-shirt and a pair of aqua jeans. He let out his other Pokemon, and fed them.


. . .


May got out of her Mom's car and walked towards the school. There was a huge crowd of girls led by Brianna Wakana. They all looked super ticked off. May had a bad feeling about it. She tried to walk around them, but Brianna stepped out of the crowd of girls and blocked her way.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to cause any trouble for you guys, can I just get through?" May asked politely.

"I'm afraid you've made an enemy of us, May. You're going to have to keep away from MY Drew, or you're going to get hurt!" Brianna snapped. She grabbed May's wrist and squeezed as hard as she could. As soon as her hand latched on to May's wrist, she felt a burning sensation. It's felt like she was burning her wrist! May yelped.

"Can't take a little squeeze? God you're pathetic," Brianna withdrew her hand, and May held her wrist. Brianna laughed, and walked away, the fangirl army following her, but glaring and sneering at May.

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