So sorry for the wait and for how short this is!

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(A/N  sooooooooo hi I guess I never obtain this would be liked so I just have up on it and stuff but I used this perry as a base for a newer version of perry who is bad a** and travels the multi verse so I am gonna change some stuff first off ignored the hair strips those are gone. Second this Perri has never dated I wanna make that clear because I might incorporate this one it to multi verse later also might edit previous chaos we will see....... Also we are currently redoing the siding on our house and sense I am the oldest I have to help a lot (I hurt) I am also it paid for the 5hours I work tearing the siding down during the wood and stuff so when I am done I am tired and cranky just tell me to update and I will try my best okay)

Perri pov

After I calmed down, and Joker shut off the cameras.

'My mom was murdered along with my unborn brother and step dad. Before my new step dad I didn't have a really good one and that made my mom and my few friends so much more important to me. My mom loved puns especially water puns just it has only been two days since their murder sorry for act--' I was cut off from my rambling by two hugs.

"You are under my protection kid okay no one will ever hurt you" Joker said his words calm not maniacal.

"And the Justice league" a new deep voice added. I stiffen at the new sound clamping my mouth shut.

"Mr.J you owe me 10 bucks. I told you he would come within 15 minutes." I look around.

Uncle Arthur!

I get up and run to him, throwing him off balance. He puts me on his shoulders like he used to do when I was little and I excitedly sign what had happened. Bats is talking to J and Quinn. Everyone is just confused. I wave at them and Diana.

Diana walks to me. "Little flower why are you so tiny?" She questions.

'Acording to Fred plan alpha or was it omega something. I dont really know a bunch of stuff is blurry. Wait do I need mind glasses?' I sign getting sloppyer as I ramble. 'I am tired why and I tired oh right I be tiny you know what else is tiny baby seahorse. You know the dad carry the babies in a little pouch. Maybe the originally thought that the dad were the mommys. I am tired. Can I take I nap....'  I lay my head on my arms and rest those in Arthur's head. Wow I am tiny. Maybe that's why I am tired. Didn't I already think this, maybe I am Dory. Yeah I am Dorys....
Ima gonna take a nap.

Arthur pov

I  now have breakable cargo on my back. Dam it Perri.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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