Chapter 11

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Nate's P.O.V.:

Bobby's shop:

"So stupid!" I yelled to myself, as I walked back into Bobby's shop and plopped down on the floor.

"Hey, what's going on?" Bobby asked, coming from behind the counter.

"I messed up."

"Messed what up?"

"Everything! Everything was fine and I stupidly decided to kiss her and now everything is messed up! I messed up our friendship. Things are going to be weird and she's not going to talk to me!" I was on the verge of a freak-out and didn't even completely understand why. Yes you do dummy, you screwed everything up!

"Alright dude just calm down. You're working yourself up before you know what happening," Bobby said calmly. You can always count on him to have the level head. "Just wait for a few minutes and see if she comes back. If not, try calling her and make sure she's alright. Don't go chasing after her right now 'cause that'll only make it worse especially if she just needed a minute to think. Just wait." With that, he got up and headed back towards the counter.

Just wait! I should have gone with her... I should have never kissed her like that. What the hell was I thinking?!

Just then the door to the shop opened and in walked Mitchie.

"Hey," she greeted with a small timid smile.

"Hey," I said quietly, as though trying not to scare her.

"Can we talk?" she asked pointing to the door. I felt like I could puke, but I manned up and nodded anyways.

"Bye guys," Bobby said from the counter. He gave me a reassuring nod as I opened the door for Mitchie.

I could hear Mitchie take a deep breath as I walked side by side with her. It's now or never.

"I'm sorry Mitchie," came out of my mouth at the same time as her apology to me.

"What are you apologizing for?" We asked the other in confusion.

"I should have never kissed you like that. It freaked you out and I don't even know if you like me that way and-," I said firing off into the longest apology of my life.

"What? Nate no, you didn't freak me out. I freaked myself out. I over thought things and... There was nothing wrong with you kissing me it's just... I thought something that I shouldn't have and I got scared... and I shouldn't have run out that way..."

"Mitch," I said grabbing her hand to stop her. The contact shocked both of us for a second and we stood in silence for a moment before I continued. "Mitch, it's alright. You had every right to leave. I should have gone about that in a different way and I didn't mean to scare you or anything it's just... I like you. Ever since we met at the end of camp, I feel like we've clicked and I just thought you felt the same way but I guess... Anyway, I'm sorry." I ended lamely not wanting to make things worse though it seems I already did from the way she wasn't saying anything.

"Mitch? You still in there?" I asked after a minute of her still not saying anything. You've officially fucked it up! "I can take you home now if you want."

"You like me?" I could just barely make out her words, they were so quiet.

"What?" I was confused.

"You like me?" she asked again a little louder.

"Of course I like you Mitch. There's nothing not to like. You're smart, talented, kind, caring, beautiful... You're you."

"Are you sick?" she asked reaching to feel my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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