Chapter 2

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Shane's P.O.V.:

"I don't want to waste my summer at some camp! I'm Shane Gray for crying out loud!" I yelled for the umpteenth time since these two idiots told me I was coming here, instead of going on the tour I was so looking forward to.


It's eight o'clock in the morning. I have no clue why I'm awake, but I do know this better be good or Luke will be out of a job. I thought to myself as we walked through the lobby at the label and rode the elevator straight to Luke's floor.

Luke had the door to the conference room open before we even got the chance to knock.

"Hey boys, come on in and have a seat, we have some things to discuss." He said as a greeting turning to walk back to his seat. With him out of the way, we were able to see the execs and basically every other important person we work with sitting at the table.

"What's going on?" asked Nate, confused as to what everyone was doing there.

"Ooh! Are we having a party?" asked Jason in the usual dim witted way only he could possibly portray. "You guys you shouldn't have! Where's the cake?" He yelled looking around for the cake that obviously wasn't here.

"Jase stop! There isn't any cake and this isn't a party!" I yelled turning back to Luke. "What the hell am I doing awake at 8 o clock in the morning?"

"Well if you're done with your tantrum we can tell you and this concerns more than just you Shane that's why all three of you are here," said Josh, the owner of the label. When did he get there?"Have a seat."

"We are here because we need to discuss your behavior, Shane. This cannot continue; you're costing the label too much. The press has been hounding the office ever since your little protest at the last video shoot that, mind you, cost us a lot of money. The image you're portraying for yourself reflects on this label, the brand, the band, and you in a negative way and we can't afford it anymore," said one of the execs whose name I really didn't care to know.

"So, here's our solution," Luke cut in. "All plans for tours have been put on hold from this day forward, until you can pull your act together. Before you protest, it's already been decided. Either you can pull yourself together or you can start looking for another label. We love having you boys as a part of the family here at Lava Records, but we can't have one bad seed ruin the crop for other artists or potential artists here."

"So what does that mean for us? Are we done?" asked Nate with the ever present serious look on his face.

"It doesn't necessarily mean you're done. We're trying to keep things from getting that far. We just have to find a way to get Shane back here on earth with the rest of us," said Luke.

"What about camp?" asked Nate.


"Yeah. Camp Rock is where we really got our shot at a career in music. It's perfect-"

"No it's not!" I protested.

"It'll give Shane the chance to hangout, see Uncle Brown, and reconnect with who he was." continued Nate, ignoring me.

"I don't want to go to some stupid camp! Do you know who I am? I'm Shane Gray, I don't belong in some old dirty cabin in the middle of nowhere! I'm not going and you can't make me!"

"Oh, you're going; you don't have a choice. Either you go to Camp Rock for the summer or you lose a contract that was very well earned by not only you, but your brothers as I very much doubt they would choose to leave you behind to continue in their careers with another member."

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