Chapter 8

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Caitlyn's P.O.V.:

The next morning

I woke up feeling like I'd gotten no sleep at all. Technically I didn't, I was up with Sierra waiting for Mitchie to come back. The both of us and the guys had all gone to look for her, but there were no signs of her anywhere. None of us had noticed that Nate was missing until after Shane had gotten up and left looking defeated and sad. Serves him right. Mitchie didn't deserve that after all she's done for him.

Just as I got up and went over to Sierra's bed to wake her up, there was a knock and the cabin door opened, revealing Jared and Michael. Jared went straight for Sierra's bed and woke her up with a kiss.

Aw, they are so cute! I thought as I said good morning to Michael.

"Have you guys heard anything?" He asked.

"Nope, we stayed up most of the night waiting for her. Hopefully she'll show up soon, but I want to go look for her again before we do anything else. I'm hoping to avoid having to tell Mrs. T what happened."

"I know what you mean. Hey Si," he said to Sierra who was now up and groggy. She looked over to Mitchie's empty bed and frowned.

"Come on, we gotta go look," she said, throwing her covers off and jumping out of bed.

Just then the door opened revealing Mitchie and Nate.

"Mitchie!" Yelled Sierra who literally tackled her to the floor in a hug.

"Mitch, where were you? We looked for nearly the whole night! Are you alright?" Fired off Michael who helped her, Sierra, and Nate who subsequently went down with Mitchie as they were holding each other's hands. Hmm... I'll ask later.

"I'm fine. We're fine, I just needed to go. Nate found me, we talked. I'm alright." She said hugging Michael and Sierra.

"I'm sorry" she said, voice cracking as she looking at Jared who had yet to move from Sierra's bed or say anything at all. He finally rose and took Mitchie into a tight hug.

"Don't do that. I need my sidekick," he said with a small laugh as he pulled away.

"Please, you're Robin." She said laughing.

"Not on your life," he said ruffling her already de-shelved hair. A leaf fell out as he did.

"Ew!" laughed Mitchie. "That's what you get for sleeping on the ground."

"Thanks for finding her." Said Michael to Nate who was standing by the door, observing with a small smile.

"No problem. She would do it for me if roles were switched. She's a good friend, she didn't deserve that." He said pushing away from his spot up against the door frame. "Now, I'm going to go tear my brother a new one. I'll see you later?" he said turning to Mitchie who smiled.

"Absolutely," she said with a nod.

"Alright," he said with a wave to all of us as he left.

"I'm glad you're alright," I said giving Mitchie a hug.

"So am I."

"I wish you would have stayed to see Shane and Tess catch a good one..." I said, going into the events of last night.

"So everyone knows now, huh?" said Mitchie in a small voice.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," said Sierra quickly, with a sad look. "I don't know how she-"

"It's alright. It's a good thing I guess. Now I don't have to tell dad to get a sitter when Final Jam comes. I want to see Sarah." She said with a smile at the mention of her baby.

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