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i went to the bathroom to make sure it haven't looked like i was crying before i went back down stairs. harry asked me if i was okay getting a simple yes from me. there was a long ten minutes before andrew galloped down the stairs his bloodshot eyes meeting mine. oh please not here. i get off of harry's lap running back up stairs to see if what i thought was true. i push my door open being met with this the strong smell. i quickly open my window and close my door before going back downstairs to everyone.

"alright?" harry grips my hips

"yeah, you?"

"i'm good just a bit tired. do you want to come to mine tonight?" he asks softy

i really wish i could but after what happened between andrew and i feel like i don't deserve harry's company. i don't deserve him at all..

"can't. i'm gonna spend time with my family i don't want to be rude"

he sighs "well i have to get going. i have errands to run in the morning" he places a baby kiss to my lips not wanting to catch my family members attention "later baby"

i lead him to the door and watch him as he climbed in the car to drive off.

now to handle andrew

i walk back into the kitchen and everyone's eating cake or  lining up to get some. when i look over andrew is literally demolishing his. i make myself a plate and sit right next to him

"are you retarded? why would you do that?" i whisper yell to him

his cold gaze looks up at me with bloodshot eyes before placing his lips closely to my ear "ya know this cake is good but i'd rather taste you" his talks slowly and softly

i'm not gonna lie his comment made my panties wet but i refused to let him see me blush. i open my mouth to mouth to say something but was cut off my by mom telling me that some of them were going to be spending the night, including andrew his brother, my aunt and their kid.

great. just fucking great

i sit for a minute continuing to watch andrew eat the cake and sliding my slice to him as well. his eyes were so low and everytime he looked at me his eyes just shined.

"i'm sorry for earlier. you were right, i have changed. it's just i miss you so fucking much and i've been really lonely... and horny since you left. i haven't touched another woman since and jacking off all the time gets boring"

"you have not been jacking off for like a month and a half just because i'm not there" i spiff

he looks at me with the most stern face ever. he takes my hand and lowers it under the table to his crouch. i felt his extremely hard length

"you gave me blue balls, we hardly did anything and my dick has never been so hard before in my life" his hand grasp around mine causing me to rub him though his jeans. his eyes rolled a bit before closing as he tried to contain a moan "that's what you do to me"

i kind of felt bad for him. andrew is known to have females falling to their feet for him and for him to say that he hasn't touch not one makes me feel some type of way. maybe if i just be with andrew this one time and completely cut him off i'll finally be able to completely give myself to harry. i can't even believe i'm considering this

we sat in silence until everyone left the dining area

"how do i know your telling the truth?" i ask, attempting to play with his fingers. he allowed me to fiddle with his fingers, watching my every move

"i won't lie the day after you left i tried to get a blowjob but i pushed her off because all i could think about was you. it even made me soft that it was someone else and not you"

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