Part 11: Trial Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter. That belongs to the lovely J.K Rowling. This plot belongs to me. 

Hey, everyone! How've you all been? Sorry this update took so long! Anyways, enjoy the chapter! Cheers~

Tom's POV:

Tom caught Harry as they apparated into the entrance hall of the Ministry of Magic. His little mate always seemed to have such a hard time during magical transportation, this time being no exception. The others soon arrived, the sound of apparition echoing in the large room.

"Right." Remus said as soon as he and the Black Lord arrived. Sirius was in his animagus form once again. "The court room should be just down that way. We'll find an antechamber to wait in. I'm sure that young lady at the desk can point us to one."

Tom nodded, following the group to the secretary's desk at an unhurried pace. He would see Harry settled before making his way to the trial room, what was the point in rushing?

"Hi? Um..." The woman looked up from her paperwork at the sound of Harry's voice, a practiced smile lighting up her features. "I was told to be here today for the trial?"

"Name?" She asked pleasantly, her eyes lingering on Harry with interest.

"Harry Potter." Harry replied, his voice quiet so as not to echo in the large room.

"Oh! Your here for that trial. Nasty business that, hon." The woman said sympathetically, before switching back to a business like tone. She shuffled through several papers on her desk before surfacing with one. "Right. Lord Malfoy and Lord Gaunt, the room number you are looking for is Courtroom 10, just down that hall. The rest of you can wait in the designated waiting room for the trial. You'll know it immediately, it's the second door on the left down from the courtroom. Clearly marked. Do you wish for me to guide you?"

"Thank you, but no. I know my way around the Ministry and can lead them." Lucius told her.

"You're welcome. Can I assist you with anything else?" That bright smile once more lighting her face, though her gaze had shifted to Lucius as he spoke.

"No, thank you for you're time." The lord replied before leading the group away.

Tom, meanwhile was busy ascertaining Harry's state as they trailed the group. His little mate was wide eyed and looked like he would rather be anywhere, but here. Tom reached out an caught Harry's hand, it was trembling slightly.

"We can leave." He murmured, the dominate in him hating the sight of his scared mate. "Right now. I'll deal with the consequences as they come."

"You know we can't. And why." Harry replied flatly, though he still looked like he would rather be anywhere other than here. "I... I just really... I don't know... being here is freaking me out and I don't know why..."

"Like I said, we..." Tom stopped short at the stubborn look that come over Harry's face.

"No." It was quiet, but Tom heard him perfectly. "I don't want to jeopardize the trial. If me being a little uncomfortable can help, I will do it. It's not like this is the worst thing I've ever had to do. I can do this. I will do this. Besides, its not like I'll be alone right? The others will be here with me. I'll be fine."

They had arrived at the waiting room.

"If you are sure... fine." He gave Harry's hand a light squeeze before turning to the others. "I expect you to look out for him while I am gone. Should anything happen in my absence, I will be taking retribution from all of you for your failure. Keep that in mind."

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