Part 8: Gringotts

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry potter. That belongs to the lovely J.K Rowling. This plot belongs to me. Cheers~

Harry's POV:

Tom didn't leave Harry's side that night. He lay curled against him on Harry's bed as the teen read a book on empathy and it's magical applications. It was one of many books taken from the Malfoy's impressive library earlier in the day.

Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes, but continued to read the book.

It wasn't that Harry was overtly interested in the book, despite its highly applicable knowledge. It was that he couldn't sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he would find himself in that hellish void again. He would jolt awake every time he tried to sleep and Tom would still be by his side; offering comfort and support. His tail swishing softly against the blankets and his warmth seeping soothingly into Harry's skin.

Harry turned another page, then couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm going for a walk. Do you want to come?" He glanced at Tom, who nodded and hopped off the bed. Harry followed him, then took the lead as they left the building.

They soon found themselves softly stepping through the darkened woods, a welcoming rustle greeting their approach. Harry took a deep breath and just let the serenity of the forest flow through him. Ahead, little lights danced and spun. Playing in the moonlight.

It was so peaceful here, an unspoiled paradise as far as Harry was considered. No scheming wizards. No politics or fame. No burden of saving the world. Just the sleepy woods and the night creatures. Just his mate by his side. Just him, where he could finally let go and just be Harry for once in his life.

He couldn't really remember the last time he had just been himself. There had always been roles for him to play. The freaky slave for the Dursley's. The Boy-Who-Lived. Savior. The Golden Boy. Prong's Replacement. The Light's Weapon. Voldemort's Enemy. Dumbledore's pawn. The list just went on and on.

Not here, though. Here, in this place, Harry finally was just Harry. Not some Freak. Not a savior. Not a weapon. Not a replacement or a pawn. He was just him. Just Harry, regardless of whether or not that was acceptable to those back in the wizarding world.

Here, he was Lord; in spite of, or maybe because of, his submissive nature. Here, he was accepted. In his woods, and they were his now that he claimed them, he was justified in his existence. He didn't have to prove anything to anyone. There were no roles for him to play in the softly illuminated woods.

Moonlight lit their wandering path, gently caressing the smokey fur of his mate with silvery tendrils. It complimented Tom, the way it lit up his fur.

Harry marveled at the wolf pacing beside him in the dark. That he could have someone, a mate of his own, who loved him so unconditionally, so quickly. It was a wonder.

He kept thinking that it was all some cruel joke that fate was playing on him. That he would blink and gone would be the love and acceptance he had longed for since... so long ago. That Tom would turn against him at the slightest whim, the slightest mistake. If he was honest with himself, Harry was still expecting it to happen any second now.

He shook himself and discarded the insecurities filling his mind, trying for the peace of the forest once more. He would just have to enjoy Tom's love and care, until the wolf decided Harry was unworthy of it any longer. He just hoped it would be a long while before his mate realized how worthless he was and threw him away like the broken trash he was. After all, nothing good lasts for long and he would deserve any pain he was given. Hadn't he been reminded of that his whole life?

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