5. Please Forgive me

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Sophia's POV:

I woke up to a bright light, oh it was the sun haha my bad anyways i tried to open my eyes but the hell the sun shined probably through my soul. Finally i managed to open my eyes and look around. I felt two warm arms around me. I carefully turned around and my eyes met Jasmine's beautiful face, gosh she was beautiful. I carefully got up and went to downstairs.

As i walked into kitchen i saw Mar laying on the floor like a starfish "Uh, Mar, What are you doing?" i asked "My life, Is over" she said "why?" i asked confused then i saw Demi coming to us "Beyonce cancelled, she comes next year bc of her baby" Demi said and Mar just laid there doing nothing "uh, okay" i said and then Mar sat and looked at me "okay? this is a catastrophe" she said "Mar she will come next year don't worry" i said "uh, i know but i was too exited that she comes now" she said pouting "i know, anyways got any breakfast, i'm starving" i said "sorry can't cook, Starbucks?" Demi asked "sure" i said "lemme wake J up" i said and Demi and Marissa looked each other and smirked at me "what?" i asked "you like this girl don't ya?" Marissa asked "uh, i...were like sisters" i said but Marissa didn't believe it "yea sure" "what i'm serious" i said and then Demi sat on the couch "Jasmine V, she's cute don't ya think" and then i blushed "yea, very" i said and blushed more "aaaaw Soph has a crush" Demi said and placed her hand on her heart "no were just friends and if i like her, she wouldn't like me back" i said and looked at Demi "okay now tell me what you think about her" "is this some 21 questions or what?" i asked "no but i wanna know" " maybe later" i said then i heard footsteps behind me
"Good morning y'all" it was Jasmine. I turned around and saw her.

She had a cute penguin pj and glasses and she looked adorable. "good morning J" i said and she sat on my lap "good morning best friend" she said and smiled to me oh gosh her smile i would stared at her all day, i mean like i love her smile and everything...uh yea. I got snapped out of my thoughts when i heard Demi repeating my name "Sophia?" she asked "yea what?" i asked and noticed Marissa smirking and Jasmine was poking my cheek "heyyy, everything okay there?" she asked smiling "yea, everything's fine" i said and looked at her "let's make breakfast, like old days?" she asked "we were planning to go to starbucks but that's better idea, right Demi?" i asked and she smiled "sure, of course, but you guys cook i can't cook" she exclaimed "let's cook" i said and she got off of my lap and she linked her hand with me and i tensed up immediately i gave Demi a 'keep your mouth shut' look and she just giggled and i rolled my eyes.

As we entered to the kitchen she let go of my hand and started to looking for things "so, chocolate chip pancakes?" she asked and i just nodded. She had the mix ready and i was sitting on the table legs on a chair as i watched her doing the pancakes. Her perfect brown hair moved along her hips and omg her eyes, you could get lost in them they're full of excitement and pure love. "Soph?" "Soph you're staring again" "Babygirl, yo Sophia Garcia Valderrama?" she said and i looked at her like a zombie "wha?"i asked and then i felt something on my head "WTF?!" i said loud and i felt foulrs on my head as Jasmine started laughing hard "HAHAHAHAHAHA HAD TO THIS IS AWESOME" she said, oh Jasmine "I'M SO GONNNA KILL YOU" i said and took an egg from the table and smashed it against Jasmine's head "Payback's a bitch ha?" i asked and and i felt egg on my head "you sure S?" she smirked and threw the flour at me "you're gonna pay for this" i said and i took a new bag of flour and she started running around the kitchen and i was chasing her. I managed to take her hand i tackled her to the ground but she drag me too and i fell on top of her and we stared each others eyes. We stared each others eyes. I started to lean closer and she did too. Our lips were inches apart when i heard someone clear her throat "I thought you were supposed to cook and not dive in flours" it was Marissa, as soon as i realized i was on top of Jasmine i looked at her and back at Marissa "we were" i said and got off of Jasmine and stood up "well this looks a lot like it" Marissa said with sarcasm in her voice. I looked around and the kitchen was just one big mess "Don't let Demi see this" Marissa said and then i heard a gasp "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" Demi asked in shock "My....My beautiful kitchen" she whined "were doing pancakes, want some?" i asked "clean this mess right now" she said and stared at me "okay okay, no need to stare at me like a hawk" i said and brought my hand in defense.

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